Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Election Time Request

A Special Request

While I do not believe I must explain, nor defend myself regarding anything I place on my Facebook timeline or my blogs, there are a few things I wish to share with my friends.  I am doing so because I have a strong feeling you will understand and will stand with me.

Leading up to the June primary I was quiet regarding specific candidates, due to conflicts which could have been detrimental to the congregation here in Rockford.  We had multiple candidates on the ballot with either church membership or connections with church members, therefore I choose to push the right to vote instead of taking a stand for specific candidates publically.  I felt that peace was far more beneficial to us than the pastor of the county seat church stirring up strife and discontentment.

My Facebook campaign for action by going to the polls and voting was far more effective.  I received several emails and comments on Facebook from readers and friends who were encouraged and thankful for my stand.  There were never any negative comments…

Until I took a stand for individual candidates.  As you all know I am personally standing with our Sheriff Terry Wilson and the State Attorney General Luther Strange in their bid for re-election on November 4.  While everyone knows my connections with these two fine, public servants there seems to be one, or maybe a handful, who are somewhat disgruntled a pastor would take such a bold stand.

Let me remind you that unless Christians take a stand publically and put Godly people in leadership positions we are going to end up with the same cycle-a lack of real, godly leadership in our country.  In other words, if God’s people do not take a stand then we will have what we have and that is a mess.

This week I posted pictures of the two candidates I am personally supporting with the status, “Two people who deserve to be re-elected November 4! Vote AG Luther Strange and Sheriff Terry Wilson.”  Their pictures also appeared with the status on my Facebook. 

Someone, one of my friends on Facebook and a very old “friend” with strong ties to the other political party, commented:

“Jeff, I admire you as a minister and friend of mine. But I d believe that as a called man of God, that your mission should be to preach the gospel and win others to Christ and leave the politics out of your pulpit regardless of your personal preferences.”

First instinct was to defend myself.  As a pastor, and those who know me really well, I do not, will not and do bend over backwards to not intertwine politics with my pulpit.  Actually, it is not my pulpit but GOD’S PULPIT.  I do, from that sacred desk preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, I do proclaim that sin is sin and that God loves and will save all who are lost.  I proclaim that abortion is a sin, gambling is a sin, drinking is a sin, and sex outside of marriage is a sin; that the Ten Commandments are still applicable to our day and time, that we are to love all people, and sin is a curse on society and Jesus is the ONLY answer.  I preach that there is a judgment day coming, that the Bible is the TRUE WORD OF GOD, and that the Church is to be a change agent in the world.

With that said, I believe the church has abdicated so many things to the government we have become impotent in the world.  We have turned over social obligations designed for the church to the government, bowed to the liberals and those who have attempted to quiet the message of hope and life the church has to offer to lost humanity.  We have become nothing more than another organization the government wants to tamp down and snuff out.

Preachers fear for their lives and livelihood; Christians are for the most part afraid they will be charged for some infraction should they voice their Christian views.  Just yesterday we saw reports from Houston, TX of a city council with subpoenas for messages, conversations and communications from a handful of pastors.  In 33 states it is now legal for civil unions because the Court refused to hear the case and make a decision on the issue of same-sex marriages.  America has embraced inclusiveness to the point that no one wants to hear the truth behind Islam or other foreign beliefs.  Alabama strengthened abortion practices in the state last year and is now under fire for that stand.  Students are told they cannot have a Bible at school, pray at the flag pole, and reference God in reports or school projects.  The United States flag is now being banned in many places citing potential conflicts with others beliefs.

Listen, the old saying is so true right now, “America is going to hell in a hand basket.”  The sad truth of the matter is it is the Christian people who are allowing it to go the way of the dogs.  We stand back and say that it is not our business to interject our beliefs into the marketplace or the government.  Americans have pushed the nonsense of Separation of Church and State on people to the point that the Christian community thinks they will be in violation if they do say anything, even vote, therefore they have stayed at home, worshipped in their pristine buildings and said if we leave them alone they will leave us alone.

Well, now my dear friends, because we have taken the quiet, mousey approach the enemy sees us as weak and unable to brawl and now he is coming at us on all sides.

On my previous mentioned post, I received three comments that made me smile.

Bro Jeff, personally I think we are in the shape we are in because Ministers all over this land has stayed away from supporting what they believe to be CHRISTIAN people for our public offices JS”

Our country is in the shape it is in because more "Men and women of God" don't get involved in politics and explain the importance of Christians to vote and vote their VALUES. The lack of Christians involved in this process is why we can't exercise our religion but are having the Muslim faith pushed on us at every turn. It is the reason God has been taken out of our schools, and why we are being persecuted even here in America. Please keep sharing your PERSONAL views on your PERSONAL Facebook page and challenge us to practice our Christian values from the pulpit. God expects us to ACT as we pray.”

Part of your job as a pastor is to shepherd the flock under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Our elected officials have so much power and influence over our public policy and the direction of our community, state and country - I think it would be irresponsible for you not to share your thoughts on such an important matter. Do what the Spirit leads you to do Bro Jeff - preach on!”

I am reminded that Jesus said of those who believe in Him, trust Him, and follow Him:

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled on by men. You are the light of the world. A city situated on a hill cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand, and it gives light for all who are in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:13-16 (HCSB)

Christians are to be salt and light!  We have been called to “take up our cross and follow Him.”  We are to appeal to all regarding moral issues and take a stand against those things which would bring shame and disgrace to the name of Christ.  No, I do not believe the government can tell us what to believe; but I do believe it is the highest mandate for us to tell the government what the Bible says. 

When I accepted the call to preach I did not give up my rights, afforded to me by the sweat and tears of our forefathers.  I still have a right of free speech and a right to practice my religion.  Which means that as a believer and because of my relationship with Jesus Christ and as a citizen of the United States I have an obligation to make known those I feel who are capable, godly, good, righteous men or woman who can lead us with integrity and honesty.  It would be dangerous of me to do otherwise.

Therefore, I am asking you to do something brave, something very American and something I believe to be very biblical:

VOTE!  Go to the polls on November 4 and vote your conscience.  Vote for the men and woman you feel are best suited for the job for which they desire.  If you are not a register voter, then do so before the deadline of October 20! 

PRAY!  If there is anything more meaningful and powerful, I do not know.  Pray for our elected officials, for our voters, for the poll workers, for the candidates.  Pray that people will make wise, godly decisions in this election.

Speak Up!  Take time over the next two weeks to post on your timeline, blog or talk in personal conversations about the importance of this election.   There is a ton of clip art available online to download and use to make a grassroots effort to do a voter campaign.  Let’s encourage people to take time on November 4 to vote!  I am afraid that we will see an 8% voter turnout statewide; therefore it is imperative we get the word out, do it repeatedly and make a wave in the state to see something better than 60% voter turnout.  Additionally, I would ask you to encourage people to read and become informed regarding the candidates, especially those who are running for state offices.  Post on your timeline or blog the candidates you think are worthy of being elected or re-elected.

In conclusion, I want to say that I am going to speak up about issues in the pulpit, preach Jesus and leave the campaigning of individuals on a personal level.  I will not abdicate my rights!  I am American by birth and Born-Again by the blood of the Lamb!

God Bless America

October 15, 2014 2:58:00 PM

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