Thursday, June 26, 2014

A message from the North Pole

Elwood called this morning at 5:30!  A little too early for me and most out of character for Elwood.  He was all excited and giddier than I have ever known him to be.  I think he has too much cocoa and cherries dipped in dark chocolate.

I was thinking as he talked that now might be a good time to see if he was using the oil intended to calm him down.  Then I realized he most likely was not. 

As he talked ninety miles an hour it was most evident there was a reason for the call.

I was very curious.

“Elwood,” I said into the phone, a little louder than I intended to, “why are you calling at this hour?”

“Jeff, you have to see the most recent post circulating on Facebook and make sure that he like it and share it and maybe even comment on it because it is the best yet as I am telling you that you don’t want to miss it today cause it is truly the truth I’m telling you,” he said without taking a breath.

Then he was talking about getting everything ready for the big night for the big guy.  I am honestly telling you the truth when I say that I could not get a word in edge wise.  He was blistering my ear.

Finally he took a breath and I said, “Elwood, I have got to go.  Savannah has her last day at basketball camp and I need to get ready.”

“Alright,” Elwood said, “call me back later, please!”

“Well do,” I said as I pressed the end button on my cell phone and rolled back over in bed and sent back to sleep.

Savannah woke me at 7:30.

I heard my smart phone beep and reached for it.  In the notifications I saw that I had an email from Elwood.

“Hey Jeff, just wanted to say sorry for waking you so early this morning.  Hope you saw the post.  As you know we are making plans for all the main stuff that goes under the trees and getting ready to start the ‘Naughty or Nice List.’  Make sure you look at the post and don’t try to fool me cause I am watching. Elwood.”

Opening the Facebook App, I looked through recent post and found want he was talking about.  It was a picture of a little girl elf, with a caption that read, “Umm, we’re just 6 months away from Christmas.  Just wanted you to know.”

I was amazed!

I was amused!

I was alerted!

Six months until Christmas and the big guy sails through the air, dropping presents around the world.  Wow!

On the way home from school, after depositing Savannah I called Elwood.

“Hey,” I said, “saw the post, shared it and now I am intrigued.  Why was this so important you would wake me at 5:30, in the morning?  This morning?  Why?”

“First, you needed to be reminded,” Elwood quietly and patiently explained.  “Secondly, it is Maggie, our little Bear Manager, who is in the picture.  Third, you should have known that the message is important.”

“Oh,” I replied, still not really sure what was what.

“Look, Jeff, six months until Christmas.  Understand?” Elwood said.

Yet he did not wait on my answer.

“We are packing bags in the distribution center as we speak.  Elves are working around the clock making, packaging and packing; like a bunch of busy beavers.  We will start our daily meetings next week as we check the list for the good and the bad.  Boys and girls have got to know that now is important.  Now is the time to watch out because we are watching them.  The message has to be shared and who better but you and those on your friends list?”

There was pause, so I spoke up.  “Elwood, it is really important, right?  Knowing when the day is coming, right?”

“By George, I think he has it!” Elwood said with a long laugh.  “Six months; that is 181 days until the time when we see the sleigh and eight tiny reindeer fly away with the big guy, Santa himself, in the seat with the reins in hand.”

“Oh my,” was all I could say.

“Listen, this is heads up time.  Time to remind the children that it will only be a few short months until they are opening presents, enjoying all the candy, singing festive songs and squealing with delight.”

I was beginning to get excited about the big day myself.

“I have a few questions?” Elwood said on a more serious side.

“Alright, ask and let me see if I can find an answer,” was my reply.

“First, who is the person who commented about Christmas being every day of the year?”

“That was a very dear friend, like sister.  Elwood she is right you know?”

“Oh sure, she is right, Jeff,” Elwood responded.  “When Jesus is in your heart, every day is a day for giving, enjoying the blessings and celebrating the birth of Jesus.  She will surely get something very special from the big guy.”

“Thanks, Elwood,” I said as I grinned thinking about my sweet lamb God has used to bring such joy to our family.”

“Another question, if you have time,” Elwood asked.

“Go ahead,” I answered.

“Who was the one who put me on her naughty list?”

“Oh my,” I said with a frown.

“You tell her that she needs to comment that she will take me off her naughty list so I will take her off my naughty list and she will be on the nice list.  That was so wrong in more ways than one.”

“I’ll deliver the message,” I replied.

“I like her.  Always enjoy the little surprises because she does such a good job at what she does, but she could really get into some hot water with comments like that.  Especially right now, as ole St. Nick seems to be stressed more than I have ever seen him in years past.”

“I will be praying and anything I can do, just let me know,” I said as helpfully as I could.

“You keep telling people about Jesus and why we celebrate Christmas.  We will take care of the rest!”

With those words we lost connection.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

A timely letter refreshing my soul!

Baptist Children’s Homes in Alabama

By: Dr. Jeff Fuller

A timely letter arrived today in my office.  I say timely because this month we are celebrating the work of the Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries here at Rockford Church and this week is the annual Camp of Champions at Shocco Springs in Talladega, Alabama.

For us June is the month we dedicate to taking a special offering for the work of the ABCH&FM.  Some churches in the state take an offering on Mother’s Day, while others give a one-time gift or designate a small line item for the cause.

We did the same thing for years.  Each year we would give an allotted amount from the unified budget, albeit small token, because we knew that the children’s homes belonged to us and we wanted to give something, anything, to help them with their work.  We felt good about it until…

My heart has always been big toward the children’s homes in Alabama.  The ties I have trace back to the first homes in Troy, where Dr. Hobson Shirey was Superintendent from 1955 to 1975.  Hobson was a native of Fort Payne, served in the U.S. Navy in WWII, taught school at DeKalb County and Talladega, and was a principal of Winterboro High and DeKalb County High.  His place in the history of Alabama Baptist is his leadership of the children’s home, manager of the Shocco Springs Baptist Assembly and Alabama Baptist Brotherhood Secretary.

His brother Doyle Shirey was a dear friend, who invited me to do a revival for him at Nazareth Baptist in Rainsville when I was still in high school.  He introduced me to his brother and for years we spent time talking, visiting and I gleaned more from them than from anyone.  As for Alabama Baptist, it was Hobson Shirey who humbly taught me what it meant to be a true Southern Baptist, a minister of the gospel and a warrior for the work of supporting our children.

Through the years of ministry in churches in Alabama, the children’s home was always a top priority.  Serving on the State Board of Missions gave me greater insight into the work and needs of the homes.  Looking through the budget each year, I would always find myself drawn to the work for the children.  Each year we allot a small amount, enough to carry them through the first two or three weeks.  This is the reason the ABCH&FM are given the permission and blessing of the Convention to go to the churches and to individuals, as well as businesses to raise the bulk of the money they need to support themselves through the year.

This was something that troubled me.  Yet I have learned that Alabama Baptist have a desire to champion the cause and support this great work. 

In the early days of the 21st Century I met and became fast friends with Steve Sellers.  Steve’s gentle spirit, loving kindness, prayers and wonderful sense of humor became a staple for life.  As we would spend time talking I learned more and more about the place of the ABCH&FM among our Baptist churches in the state.  It is a joy to share the concerns, prayer needs and support of such a fine friend and feel somewhat connected to the daily work.

Therefore, you can see why my heart is so touched by the work of this great ministry of our church and why I am so “warrior like” regarding support for our ABCH&FM.

This is the reason we do what we do each year at Rockford.  A few years ago someone stepped forward and proposed that whatever we can raise during the month of June should be our support and not to worry about a set amount in the budget.

With Ran Wilson, who is an Ambassador for the ABCH&FM, at the head of the march, we have seen improvements to our giving each year.  We take a small offering each Sunday, with the children filling two buckets with change from the adults.  Our Vacation Bible School offering is designated for the children’s homes.  There is a Sunday School class of adult ladies who give a special offering during the month.  Yes, of course, we have those who give above and beyond the tithe for the Children’s Homes.

We feel it is important!  We feel that it is vital!  We want to help our homes be successful!

This is why the letter which arrived today is so timely.  Rod Marshall, the President/CEO of the ABCH&FM, wrote regarding the great things going on in the first six months:

·       In Dothan, a home was donated to further the ministry in the Wiregrass area.

·       The Mobile Family Care Homes house for homeless mothers and their children was sold.  Last year there were 119 referrals with only 14 being served; therefore the sale of this property will open the door for a new Family Care Home in Mobile which will serve even more families.

·       Eight foster families were trained in Madison and seven in Jasper.  This allows for an expansion of foster care ministry in Decatur and Walker County.

·       There is rapid growth of the foster ministry across the state.  In 2011, 156 children were served through foster care; in 2012, 209 were served; in 2013, 261 children were served through the foster ministry of the ABCH&FM.

·       Growth continues to take place through the counseling ministry, with locations throughout the state.

·       Three children graduated from high school in May and will be attending college, with the children’s home helping with educational expenses and continuing to be family for them.

·       There was a 1% increase in individual gifts during the first six months.

·       Camp of Champions was held this week with a record number of campers-over 650!

How wonderful it is to be a part of such exciting times!

It was a breath of fresh air to read Rod’s letter and reflect on the joy of sharing Jesus with these precious souls.  Each Sunday, this month, we have been focusing on a special number and reminding the children in VBS of the same number.  It is the number 6,400!  That is the number of children in foster care; individuals we are reaching with the love, grace and mercy of Jesus.  How wonderful!

Yet, this ministry continues to need workers and money, regularly.  Rod writes:

“In the first five months of 2014, our Birmingham foster care program was only able to accept 15% of the church referred to us because all of our Christian foster homes were full.  There is a great need for more Christian foster homes…Though giving is up over the same period last year, it is not nearly keeping up with our rate of growth.”

From the ABCH&FM web page, I found these gems:

“Many changes have occurred during our history, but the core commitment to love children and youth and to bring them to know Jesus Christ has never changed. Today, we proudly continue our legacy as a ministry that ‘protects, nurtures, and restores children and families through Christ-centered services.’”

A ministry which is well led and God honoring to secure the future today!  I am so thankful to be an Alabama Baptist and to have as a ministry of the Rockford Baptist Church the Alabama Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries.

My challenge to you is that you would be moved to inspire your church and enlighten them as to the great work of Alabama Baptist.  Do something special for the Children’s Homes.  There are a number of ways you can be involved, but the best of all is to give “folding money” so they may be able to serve the least of those among us.

If you need any information, feel free to contact me at 256-377-4900 or by email at  You may also go to the website at and find resources, speakers and more information to educate and assist in becoming a warrior for children in Alabama.


“...let the Baptists know what you’ve got and they’ll do the rest.”

- ABCH Founder Rev. John W. Stewart (1890)

Rockford Baptist Church, Rockford, Alabama