Saturday, February 22, 2014

Mindful of ISSUES during the upcoming elections

Focus on the Issues

By: Dr. Jeff Fuller

Individuals are coming out of the woodwork as we have recently completed the qualifying process and now are headed toward June and finally in November.  Yes, my friend, it is an election year with a number of seats up for grabs, across the state and within the counties in which we live.

Many have tossed their hat into the ring for a place in the public eye.  Over the next few months we will see some we have never met come through our little county asking us to support them in their bid to share in the power by serving in some office.  There are several running for Congressional District 6, a few running for Senate District 30, some state office candidates and others on the local level.

It is a pleasure to meet, greet, talk with, and get a feel of real candidates for political office.  Through my years, before and since registering to vote, I have had the honor of getting to know some fine folks who have sought to serve the citizens of this state.  As an elementary student I was thrust into the political process by stomping through the community for a sheriff in his run for election after serving out his appointment by the Governor.  Through the years I have enjoyed many other opportunities to support and stand with candidates, with the largest majority of them winning the seat and going on to become great servants of the people, both on the local and state level and in Washington.

There is one very important thing I have learned through the years; something I think would be important for all of us to learn.  This lesson is simple and so very elementary that I truly believe you will be amazed at the answer.  Are you ready?  Here it is…DEAL WITH THE ISSUES!

What are the issues in Washington, in State government, in County government?  Do you want to send someone to serve for you who has no opinion on the issues?  Are we really so driven by the Hollywood image that we want someone who looks good or is rich to serve us, not considering the issues?  We must focus our attention on the issues.

Issues are more important than the way one looks, talks, or handles themselves in the public eye.  Issues are what we have been debating for the last few years and many who are bidding for public office are going to need to have support of the people.  So, make them talk about the issues and answer the questions regarding those issues, one way or another, so we will know what to expect when they are elected.

Over the most recent time period we have seen issues such as the Family Marriage Act, Immigration, Health Care Reform, Abortion, financial accountability and other on the national level; Business and Industry, Common Core, rights extending to domestic partners, along with many others on the state level.  Then within the county we have seen the issue of pay for county employees, quality education, recruitment of business and industry, use of natural resources for recreational purposes, and so much more.  These are real issues, demanding real answers, and we need candidates who will step up and do something to solve these problems.

Gambling has been a common answer which has been singled out by many individuals who have attempted to say that it would solve our problems.  I do not have to tell you where I stand on that issue.  What I do hope you will do is find out where your candidate stands on that issue and if he opposes it-completely and unashamedly-then help him get elected.

Recently, we were told that marriage was not as it is defined in the Holy Bible-between a man and a woman.  We were told that now it is acceptable for same sex individuals to have a ceremony for a Domestic Partnership, and be eligible for benefits within the workplace.  To drive that point home, there is a move to make Alabama a state that recognizes Domestic Partnerships, thus allowing an individual to gain financially from his deceased partner’s estate.  Where does your candidate stand on this issue?

Health Care Reform is a troubling issue and is taking a great deal from those who are in desperate need of medical care.  I know of individuals who have seen major increases to their premium; others who have been canceled by their insurance provider.  Alabama has stood firm in saying they would not stand for “big government” telling them to accept this plan.  Where does your candidate stand?

Common Core is an educational initiative which has been forced on Alabamians.  We were not asked our opinions or given any time to study this.  No, the State Board of Education approved this foolish way of running education without any input from parents or teachers.  Instead out kids are being driven into a socialistic style of learning that is totally foreign to anyone.  Where does your candidate stand on this issue?

While I could go on and on about the issues, let me stop and say that the two greatest things you can do is be involved and pray.  Prepare now to go to the polls and vote your convictions, but make sure the person you vote for has spoken regarding the issues.  Secondly, and most important of the two is to pray.  Pray for those who are in office now.  It was Paul who said:


“First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4 HCSB)


May we see Godly people rise up and bring America back to her roots.

Until next time…

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