Friday, November 22, 2013

Mail from a Friend

Mail from a friend

By: Dr. Jeff Fuller


Going through my brief case is a journey in which I never know what I might find.  There is always some item which I may have found or received, stuck into one of the many compartments, and forgotten about, until…

The other morning I was cleaning out the compartments.  I found some things I wondered why I was saving (a bulletin from May), other things I had been attempting to find (a twenty dollar bill and my favorite ball point pen), and still a few things I had forgotten all about.  One such item was a piece of mail a dear friend had sent back in March.

This small piece of mail came without any indication of its origins.  As a result I was careful to open it; it was around the time individuals were receiving mail laced with powder and dust.  I put on gloves, used a set of tweezers, and checked for wires, dust or foreign substances.  When it seemed to me to be harmless I read with great interest, still wondering where and who and why?

The mystery was solved when a friend mentioned sending mail to me.  He is one of those rare friends, who does not have email or Facebook; his idea of social media is to talk while working on fences or feeding the chickens.  Or sit on the porch or under the old oak, sipping sweet tea, contemplating the process of the creation of the feather one finds on the Bumble Bee Hummingbird, the smallest bird ever to venture into North America. 

He admitted to it in April, we talked about it in May, and I found it again in July.  The following are my friend’s thoughts titled, Quiet Pondering:  

“Quite often we get caught up in the societal ‘rat race’ to become ‘somebody,’ to acquire wealth, position, or anything and everything worldly in an attempt to purchase or achieve real happiness.  Real happiness does not have a price tag or position.  As a matter of fact real happiness is found without a dollar sign.  It is found in the good or tough times with the ones you love or a moment with a true friend riding the countryside looking at the beautiful scenery or in a rocker on the front porch reminiscing about days gone by.  So often we should be thanking God for all the blessings we have through Him.

Joy in the Lord enables people to enjoy all that God has given: They rejoice in family (Proverbs 5:18); Food (1 Timothy 4:3-5); Celebration (Deuteronomy 16:13-15); Fellowship (Philippians 4:1).

They share with all believers the joys and sorrows of life.  ‘Rejoice with those that Rejoice and weep with those that weep.’ (Romans 12:15 HCSB)

‘Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid’ (John 16:27).”

Interesting thoughts.

Today the world is full of people looking for joy and hope and life in every place but the right place.  Reminds me of the old country song, “Looking for love in all the places/looking for love in too many faces,” by Waylon Jennings.

Real joy, hope, happiness, and life is found in Jesus Christ alone.  He said that He was the “way, the truth and the life,” and He came to give “abundant life.”

Connect with Jesus Christ and He will give you so much more than the world will give.

Thanks Van and until next time…

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