Friday, September 13, 2013

9/11 Twelve Years Later

With every intention, I attempted to publish this to my blog on the day of, instead of several days later.  Due to personal time constraints hindering that publication date and a continual flow of thoughts of regarding the subject matter for this blog, I am truly sorry that I was unable to post until now.

I truly hope you will read and re-read what follows and think both politically and spiritually regarding what you find here.  May we all be inspired, yet warned that we are at a crossroads in the life of America.  The choice we make will determine the direction.

JWF September 13, 2013


Twelve Years Ago Today

Can you remember where you were twelve years ago today?  Some were hurrying about the daily activities of getting kids to day care and school; others running late for work; still others sat at the table savoring the last cup of coffee before planning the day’s activities.  You may have been driving along the expressway listening to the latest morning talk show or sitting in a terminal waiting on a plane to take you to some faraway place.  Wherever you may have been you will never, ever forget this day.

Today, twelve years ago, America became a punching bag for the evil and heart filled hate of a group of people who perpetrated the most despicable of acts ever committed on our soil, in our own backyard.  We had read about, and watched as images raced across the television screen of the suicide bombers of third world countries.  We had been told of those who believed it was their call-a holy mission-to kill others along with themselves for the cause of some religious thoughts, mandates of some religious leader.

From 10th Year Anniversary:  

Yet, on this day in history the religious practice of a band of fanatical and deceived individuals, carried out an act of war on American soil, aimed at the American people and in hopes of destroying the faith of the American people.  These fanatics took over four planes filled with passengers, diverted them from the intended destination in hopes of taking out the center of government, the military headquarters and the financial centers of the American people.  Even if they were unable to take out the aforementioned places, they desired to at the least cripple these bastions of leadership, thus wreaking havoc and making weak what is the pride of the American people.

Bringing pain, sorrow, shame and despair upon the American people was accomplished in a matter of several hours on the morning of September 11, 2001.  As two planes collided with the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and another plane crashed through the western wall of the Pentagon, American people stood with total dismay as war was declared against America on American soil. 

The fourth plane was not as successful in its plot and mission as the three others were.  The fanatics who hijacked that plane and the passengers aboard United Airlines 93 crashed in a field outside of Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  The religious fanatics had hoped to take this plane and crash it into the Nation’s Capital in Washington, D.C.  The passengers of Flight 93 said, “Let’s Roll,” and became American heroes that day, taking a proactive stance attempting to overcome the hijackers.

In all, almost 3,000 people lost their lives on that gruesome day.  Included in that number are 227 civilians, 19 hijackers, and 9/11 is known as the deadliest incident for firefighters in the history of the United States.  On that day in history, children lost parents, parents lost children, husbands lost wives, wives lost husbands and on and on it goes.  Fire Departments, Rescue Units, Police Departments, and the Port Authority lost members to the senseless and inexcusable actions of a small group of Islamic terrorist who had such a deep seated hatred of the American people they would give their life to cripple and maim the targeted nation.

That day in history is forever engraved into the mind of the pure, hot blooded American.  We are grateful for the lives of those who aided and assisted in the day of and the days following this horrendous event in the life of American history.  We are also still very raw when it comes to any thought of someone planning or even thinking about bringing some action against our brothers and sisters of the Red, White, and Blue.

The immediate effects the 9/11 attacks had on the American people is seen in the Police and rescue workers who took leaves of absences from their jobs around the country to go to Ground Zero in New York City.  These people in large part knew no one who had been in involved in the event, but went to that place, traveling at their own expense to recover bodies from the twisted remnants of the Twin Towers.  During the days following the attacks, blood donations across the United States surged and continued so for weeks to follow.

As these fanatical Islamist Terrorist perpetrated their evil plan, taking the lives of many, and disrupting the peace and tranquility of the American people, there were some important steps taken immediately which demonstrated the resilience of this nation and the faith and belief which was deeper and more firmly planted than some expected.

Already mentioned, but bearing to be pointed out with some explanation were the individuals who answered the call.  The call was something which was borne deep within them, something only heard by those who understand.

Today, a dear friend posted on Facebook, what he termed as a “rant” but I find noteworthy.  Todd Sassono is a talented musician who has played bass for several Nashville country stars, including Craig Campbell (www.CraigCampbell.TV).  While still playing in various venues, both in Alabama and Nashville, for the last few years he has been employed by the Alexander City Fire Department, as a certified fire fighter and paramedic.  His post which follows was a “WOW” moment for me as it brought tears to my eyes and a knot in my throat.

Today is a day that is always full of emotion for everyone, but especially for anybody that puts on a badge. It doesn't make us bulletproof or invincible. I can't lift a mountain or an 18 wheeler. We don't even consider ourselves "the brave". Many of us just realize that we are the ones stupid enough to be running towards the danger where everybody is running from. We run towards the gunshots, the fully involved house fire, just doing a job and hoping to clock out. I've had a man see me out at a restaurant and pay for my dinner, then give my son a $5 bill to buy a toy because I saved his life one night (he obviously had me mistaken for a good paramedic. Lol). I had my calling 9/11/2001 and joined the fire service as a volunteer shortly after. Anyway, I'm saying all this to say thank you to all my brothers and sisters in red and in blue for being there behind me, next to me, or in front of me, heading into the unknown and hoping to just get home after 730.

There are other stories like his, stories of valor as men and woman have taken up the call to defend, protect and serve our country.  The following is a story I saw today related to a firefighter turned actor, who spent several weeks following 9/11 at his old post.

Few people know that actor Steve Buscemi was a New York City firefighter. Fewer people know that he rejoined his Engine crew in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. The Reservoir Dogs star anonymously searched for fallen firefighters and other survivors for several days following the attacks. He reportedly worked 12 hour shifts as a volunteer with FDNY Engine 55, his old firehouse.  “He put in 60 hours on top of the pile, pulling out victims,” a retired FDNY battalion chief Richard Ardisson, 56, said to People magazine. “Not delivering coffee or giving moral support. He was exhausted and covered in soot.”  Buscemi served FDNY for four years in the little Italy section of New York City. He continues to stay involved with FDNY.



Even in the days and months that followed it appeared there had been a renewal of faith.  Churches around the nation reported a new desire of people for worship and the study of scriptures.  Attendance in churches was at an all-time high.     

It escalated from there as men and woman have taken up arms and fought the evil empire of Al Qaida in places too numerous to mention.  Our service personnel in all branches of the military have answered the call of duty, serving with honor and dignity, fighting a war that cannot be won.  My humble opinion is that the leadership at the time performed as best they knew how under the circumstances and made great strides in showing the world that we would not stand idly by while terrorist killed our people on our own soil.  We are American through and through and will not allow “the least of these” to be slaughtered in the name of some religious philosophy by some fanatical zealot who declares a holy war. 

Therefore the heroes of our country marched off to war under the banner of revenging the blood spilled and with the Red, White and Blue waving proudly.  These individuals saw things that some will never, ever talk about.  On patrol, they would encounter woman locked arm and arm approaching them, with the enemy hiding behind their skirts, shooting our American troops.  Ultimately, the only way to survive was to take aim, pull the trigger and watch the woman fall lifeless to the ground, along with the enemy soldiers.  They endured the hardships of the desert, the warfare of the mind, the dangers of IED’s, and the hopelessness of the situation many live in, in places some still cannot pronounce, much less spell.  Some of these have returned home without limbs, with severe and debilitating injuries, and with psychological issues.  Yet, they are the heroes of our time; they fought the battle with pride and with a deep sense of humanity.  I salute the military personnel and realize I am indebted to them, and able to celebrate my freedoms as an American because of their sacrifice.

In the days of 9/11 and that followed the American people assumed a greater degree of patriotism than witnessed in the past.  More flags were posted, more pride was shown, and more love of country was rooted deeply in the landscape of society.  We witnessed a great surge in the embrace of freedom.  It was truly a new day of love for country.

I guess this would be something which would come when you witness the world you have known as a place of freedom and liberty come to a standstill before your very eyes.  We wept as we viewed the images of the Twin Towers billowing with smoke, bodies and debris falling to the earth, and then the collapse of the icons into a pile of rubble.  We were stunned to hear the reports of the potential that this was a suicide bombing, perpetrated by terrorist, strategically planned and executed.  We were aghast when the word came that our nation’s leaders were targeted in that place we hold dear, the seat of government-Washington, D.C.  Our blood was chilled when we are informed that terrorist had plotted to destroy America.

All of these things led to an immediate call on the God of heaven; crying out to the Author of Creation, the one true God of the Universe.  In a time of trouble, pain and greatest time of sorrow, the people of the United States turned to God.  Yes, some came with deep and condemning questions, but the most came for comfort, relieve and solace.  Churches filled with people, around the nation, as doors were unlocked and lights were turned on.  Altars were crowded, as mourners knelt before the railings to plead and cry, talking to the all-knowing God.  Sound bytes recorded speeches laced with all manner of references to our only help and hope comes from the one true God.  It appeared that this may have awakened the spiritual hunger and thirst for the Living God.

National calamity results in a search for meaning and purpose in life.  The search happens on the national front because of the strong flow away from God and God’s ways.  America had experienced times of renewal and revival in times past, when there was conflict or chaos.  We only need to search history and see this as the case.  But more times than not, the fire only intensifies to be snuffed out by the same ones who appear to be holding the torch.  These things are nothing more than a flash in the pan, a use of the correct terminology at the appointed time.

I think today of those many times that we-and I do hold all of us responsible even though it might be offensive-for the Bible being removed from the classroom, prayer being tampered down, and the prohibition of a monument of the Ten Commandments.  I think of the many, many children which have been aborted, the suicide-assisted deaths, and the senseless killing of children in our schools.  I am reminded that there are corporations which have time and again fought for religious rights, only to be condemned by some activist group proclaiming the separation clause.  How very far we remove ourselves from the God of Creation to reinvent ourselves, only to find ourselves in bondage.

Amazingly we have people who wish to rewrite the history of our great land, to take away any of the references to God, to divine providence, and to a search for freedom of worship.  Our country was established upon the principles of the Word of God and by Godly, God-fearing individuals who desired to worship God, serve God, and share the Gospel of Christ.  The pilgrims came to the shores of the new land with the hopes and dreams, with a deep seated faith that they had been charged as missionaries of the message of God.

Due to these types of situations, it seems we as a nation move further and further away from God, having a form of godliness, but denying the power of it; appearing to be God fearing, but acting as if it matters not what God thinks.

With the tragedy which came upon us on 9/11 and the loss of lives you would think that it would cause us to be closer than ever before 12 years later.  In the wake of the events of 9/11 the people of America demonstrated such an outpouring of love, care, compassion with hearts that were broken for the pain of the situation, but hearts overflowing with the need to do something, anything to help the fellow man.  One should suspect that this alone would make us more like Christ, examples of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.

Yet, the appearance of a renewal on the day and in the wake of 9/11, the human interest which surged, the falling into a time of prayer, and the attendance in church services was only a passing fancy and a flash in the pan of what could have, should have been.  For as the time came which distanced us from the tragedy and the rhetoric of the moment that we were “One Nation Under God” and singing “God Bless America,” so came the falling away from the moment which could have defined us and proven that we were what we said we were.

This week I have been listening to the CD Audio book titled, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America's Future by author Jonathan Cahn.  Here is a synopsis of the book from Amazon:


Is it possible...

That there exists an ancient mystery that holds the secret of America s future?

That this mystery lies behind everything from 9/11 to the collapse of the global economy?

That ancient harbingers of judgment are now manifesting in America?

That God is sending America a prophetic message of what is yet to come?

Before its destruction as a nation, ancient Israel received nine harbingers, prophetic omens of warning. The same nine harbingers are now manifesting in America with immediate ramifications for end-time prophecy.

Hidden in an ancient biblical prophecy from Isaiah, the mysteries revealed in The Harbinger are so precise that they foretold recent American events down to the exact days. The revelations are so specific that even the most hardened skeptics will find it hard to dismiss or put down. It sounds like the plot of a Hollywood thriller with one exception... IT’S REAL.


While listening I was drawn to a scripture which was prominent in Part of his explanation of the events and the results which came manifest themselves in it.  It is a verse from Isaiah:

“The bricks have fallen, but we will rebuild with cut stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will replace them with cedars.”

Isaiah 9:10 (HCSB)

A most obscure verse which in its contextual meaning related to Israel, is almost uncanny how it appeals to and relates to where we are 12 years later.

I've been attending Beth Israel under Jonathan Cahn's leadership for over two decades. I have never seen or read anyone that can unpack information with the facility he does. Having been familiar with much of the information and facts contained in The Harbinger through Rabbi Cahn's sermons over the years, I am still blown away by the amount of seemingly new information in this book as well as the method and order of its revealing. He brilliantly unfolds this message that needs to be (and is) as resoundingly clear as can be: God is warning this country to turn back to Him. As anyone with ears to hear and eyes to see can tell, we are living in perilous times. This narrative and the true, checkable facts it is built around demonstrate that even in chaos, there is order ... and that nothing happens (or will happen) apart from God's allowance. He is in control.

If you doubt His being in control - or if you doubt the parallels between God's dealings with ancient Israel and the events in America since and including 9/11, reading The Harbinger with an open mind will change that. Reading it with an open heart might just change your life.

The verse is said in defiance, a revealing of a spirit of rebellion within the heart, over the attack by the Assyrian nation on the people of Israel.  God sent the enemy to bring the people back to God.  He desired they walk with Him in obedience, but they turned away.  They vowed they would remember, they would rebuild, and they would be stronger.  Please make note of the “They would;” the vow is that nothing would keep them from the task to which they have set their minds and hearts.  Nothing would stop them; no, nothing, not even God.

As God uses things to draw people back to Him, people continue to dream up their own plans to counter the acts against them.  Even though our money may say, “In God We Trust,” our heart and the actions of our hands says that we trust in nothing less than ourselves and what we can do.

…Two former Democratic U.S. senators both cited an obscure Bible verse in their efforts to comfort and embolden Americans after the 9/11 attacks – both apparently misunderstanding the context of Isaiah 9:10, which represents a repudiation of the role of God in the affairs of men.

The speeches by former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle in a joint session of Congress the day after 9/11 and one by Sen. John Edwards, a vice presidential candidate on the third anniversary of the attack in 2004, represent two of the more dramatic elements of The Harbinger.

Both Daschle and Edwards later fell into disgrace and no longer hold any public office. Daschle was nominated to become secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services by Barack Obama, but was forced to withdraw his nomination after revelations he failed to accurately report and pay his income taxes. Edwards ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004 and 2008, but he was later indicted by a North Carolina grand jury on six felony charges of violating multiple federal campaign contribution laws to cover up an extramarital affair he admitted to following his 2008 campaign. Ultimately Edwards was found not guilty on one count, and the judge declared a mistrial on the remaining five charges, as the jury was unable to come to an agreement. The Obama Justice Department dropped the charges and would not attempt to retry him.

It may be that national leaders are right, we are a nation that God has brought judgment upon.  We have really made a mess of this nation founded upon the principles of the Word of God.  Recounted earlier were the facts of some of these actions which have brought about the judgment.  Let us add to that the fact we have outspent the government’s ability to meet the financial demands enacted by elected officials which have no desire for the nation, only serving their own selfish self-centered passions.  There is the desire of many who are more comfortable with appeasing gods, instead of obeying and recognizing the One True God.  Due to pressures from the loud minority of individuals, the highest court system of the land has now recognized the desires of the deviant sexually confused than bow to the desires of the biblical and God fearing majority.

How far we have come in such a short time!  Twelve years ago we were brought together, united and seeking the God of heaven for help and strength.  We were shaken to the core of our being, coming together for worship of the One True God.  Then we as an American people fell back to the old ways of bending and bow before our own gods of wisdom, intelligence, military power, and rational humanistic thinking.  We have come so far in such a short time! 

I am American like the rest of you!  I am true and blue, through and through.  I was moved by the prayers and the renewal witnessed in the wake of 9/11.  I salute the men and woman who served faithfully in recovery efforts.  Today I remember those who lost their lives and the heroes who gave all they could give.  Yes, I will say and proclaim until the day I die, “God Bless America!”

Yet, I am saddened by the signs of the times.  As people go about their business as usual life style, living for themselves, selfishly and self-centered concerned about not one else but themselves, I am reminded that this is truly the end of times.  Some would ask why it makes me sad?  The answer is simple and easy: They will miss the blessings of eternity, because they have lifted their fist to God and said, “I will remember, I will rebuild, and I will be stronger.”  No thought of God, no willingness to bend and bow before the one to whom they owe some much.  So sad, so very sad.

I am praying for America, because I have not given up and still believe that God has not given up.  I believe there is time for a move of God that will usher in the end.  The church must preach and the Christian must live and people must be willing to find Him.

“Seek the LORD while He may be found; call to Him while He is near.”

Isaiah 55:6 (HCSB)

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