Sunday, April 21, 2013

Wanted: Revival in America

Wanted: Revival in America

A book by Peter Marshall and David Manuel titled From Sea to Shining Sea chronicles the history of America from 1787 to the election of Abraham Lincoln as sixteenth president of the nation.  The preceding book The Light and the Glory tells the history from the sailing of Columbus to the writing and adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

Each of these excellent books give evidence to the fact that America was founded on Christian principles, by men who longed for the new nation to be a light of Christ to the World.  Through each of these volumes the reader is able to feel the heartbeat of God as one great event after another shows the favor He had on our nation from the beginning.  Yet, one also receives a lesson in the wanderings of a people who struggle with self-centeredness and sinful natures.  At times we see the nation pulling together to serve and be obedient; at other times we see the drifting taking place.

In the second book, and the last chapter, after a thorough and extensive examination of the slavery issue, the authors give us a view of our nation at that time and at the time in which we live today.

“Revival-many Christians today hope and pray for a direct intervention of God by His Holy Spirit, a miraculous solution to a seemingly endless situation.  Only we have already had an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that was supposed to accomplish that.  In the late sixties and early seventies, the Charismatic Renewal, and Jesus movement brought thousands upon thousands of nominal Christians and agnostics to Christ.  New multitudes raised hands in praise of God, but the renewal was in the main individually and vertically oriented.  Where was the horizontal commitment to change society that traditionally followed in the wake of revivals?  Where was the concern for the poor and needy about which Scripture speaks so clearly?

Surely, later some encouraging signs have appeared on our horizon-black and white evangelicals and charismatics working together with other Protestants and Catholics to combat abortion and a genuine nationwide yearning to recover the moral and spiritual values that once formed the bedrock of society.  Most Christians seem to agree that we need national revival now-another Great Awakening.  But the price will be high.

For the key to revival has always been repentance.  Before God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh, an individual and corporate turning away from sin and self, to God, must occur.  No other way-no cheap grace, no putting the country ahead of God, none of the ‘we’re God’s Chosen People, and we know that He will see us through, no matter what’ kind of thinking that too many Christians like to comfort themselves with these days will suffice.  Repentance is the missing ingredient in much of modern American Christianity.  Yet its pivotal role in national revival is clearly revealed in Holy Scripture in such passages as the much quoted 2 Chronicles 7:14: ‘If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.’  Those of us already committed to Christ are being challenged not only to face our personal needs for growth and change and take them to God in prayer, but most important of all, He is calling us to repent of our wicked ways.  No matter how much we might prefer to see ourselves freed from sin, we still have wicked ways.  We still often live for our own personal comfort or success, ignoring the needs of the poor or hurting around us.  We are still self-righteous, still get jealous or vindictive, we still lust after other people’s approval.”

How much more truth do we need?  The authors hold nothing back in these few paragraphs and challenge us all to must forward in a sin confessing, Spirit moving, God honoring revival in our personal lives.  When this happens among the people of God, then it will flood the hearts and souls of the multitudes of people still without Christ as Savior and they will run to find Jesus.  They will ask, “What must I do to be saved?” 

Real revival, will be fulfilled with a heartfelt change.  This will not come easy, nor will be taken lightly.  For a believer to truly be conformed into the image of God’s Son will involve pain.  This is why revival will be withheld, damned up in many place; most are unwilling to go through the pain.  Sure, believers will gladly wear out their knees in prayer, or knock on doors to find people to come to meetings, and will sit through spiritual charged services; but if they are unwilling to bend and bow and experience pain, the great revival they desperately need will not come.

That pain will lead to something wonderfully transforming.  Once yielded to God and allowing Him to chisel away and burn away the sin caked exterior, the believer will find something victorious.  Yes, true repentance is freeing, cleansing, uplifting!  It is something that will flood the soul of the believer and touch every area of their life-it will spread like wildfire through the family, the church and the whole society.  Real revival in the life of one person can do much for the Glory of God.  It will allow the salt to regain its savor.

This is what we need in America today.  Here in Alabama, over the past several weeks we have been involved in a serious and concerted effort of praying for Revival.  At each courthouse in the state, prayer rallies have been held with hundreds of people attending, churches have been spending time in focused prayer for Revival, and many church leaders have been talking about what it take to have true Revival.  I think this is important and vital to a Great Awakening in the time in which we live.  I applaud and support Dr. Rick Lance and the Director of Missions who have spearheaded this movement in our state.

We are at a crossroads.  As America is attacked and crumbles with the weight of sin and disobedience, we are at a place we find ourselves facing judgment or mercy.  I think back through the Word of God and see many examples of where we are and what we will face or what will happen should we chose one of two roads ahead of us.  I pray we will chose rightly.

I personally believe should we hear the voice of God sweetly calling and heed His direction in our country, we might yet fulfill His plans and His purposes for our lives and for the life of our country.  May God be allowed to direct our nation!  May we fall before Him in earnest pleas for forgiveness, for cleansing, for redeeming!  Let us once again be a nation blessed by God; One Nation Under God! 


O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain,

For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain!

America!  America!  God shed His grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea!


O beautiful for pilgrim feet,

Whose stern impassioned stress

A thoroughfare for freedom beat

Across the wilderness!

America!  America! God mend they every flaw,

Confirm they soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law!


O beautiful for heroes proved

In liberating strife,

Who more than self their country loved,

And mercy more than life!

America!  America! May God they gold refine,

Till all success be nobleness, And every gain divine!


O beautiful for patriot dream

That sees beyond the years

Thine alabaster cities gleam,

Undimmed by human tears!

America!  America!  God shed His grace on thee,

And crown they good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea!

(America, the Beautiful; Katharine Lee Bates/Samuel A. Ward The Hymnal for Worship and Celebration; Word Music, Waco, Texas; 1986; Page 572)


Note: The Light and the Glory and From Sea to Shining Sea, written by Peter Marshall and David Manuel were published in 1986 by Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Book House Company in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  Website is

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