Friday, March 29, 2013

He reached out His arms and said....

I love you

By: Dr. Jeff Fuller


Today is Good Friday and on this day in history Jesus Christ died at the age of thirty three years of age.  He died on a Roman stake, on a hill called Calvary, as His mother and the disciple named John watched in horror as the event unfolded.


On that day, there were others who were present at Calvary as Jesus was crucified.  Among those numbered on that hillside were rulers who mocked Him, the soldiers assigned to do the dirty work, Simon the Cyrenian, two thieves who were on His right and on His left, the Centurion guards, and a multitude of onlookers.  All participated in this execution in some form or fashion.


As Jesus hung on that cross, bleeding and dying, He spoke words which give evidence of the great love of His heart.  To those who would perpetrate such an awful crime upon an innocent man, He said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34 KJV)  John Piper writes:


“Forgiveness is for the guilty. So when Jesus says, ‘Father, forgive them,’ he means they are guilty. Then when he says, ‘For they don't know what they are doing,’ he must mean, ‘And they should know what they are doing. And they are guilty for not knowing what they are doing.’ In other words, they have so much evidence of the truth that the only explanation for their ignorance is they don't want to see it. They are hard and resistant and have a guilty blindness. That is why they need to be forgiven.


One of the thieves who hung on the cross wanted to have Jesus take away his punishment: “If thou be Christ, save they self and us.” (Luke 23:39 KJV)  But the other one said, “Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” (Luke 23:42 KJV)  To which Jesus replied, “Verily I say unto thee, to day shalt thou be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:46 KJV)


There are seven of these phrases or as some preachers call them, “words” found in the Gospel letters.  In Luke, we find three of the seven.  Two we have already covered, but there is one more.  Jesus said, “Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.” (Luke 23:46 KJV)


When Jesus speaks of forgiveness, a guilty man being promised eternal life, and freely giving His life He is saying “I love you.”  He is clearly saying, “My Father loves you.”  Together, Jesus and Father God demonstrated the love they have for mankind by allowing the Son to go to the cross and die for the sin of the world.


While Jesus was teaching the people, He made a comment that struck at the heart of all who heard it.  It was something that made a true impact on the heart of people.  Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” (John 10:11 KJV)  On the cross, Jesus demonstrated that love the shepherd has for the sheep.  In the cross, Jesus stretched out His hands and said, “This is how much I love you.”


During a three year period He taught the people, instructing them in the love and care of God and why God had sent Him.  In more ways that we have space to share here, Jesus showed the love He and His Father have for the world.  In that time they did not see Him as the promised Messiah of the Prophets; they saw Him as a good teacher, a good man, and someone who could work miracles and wonders-changing water to wine, healing the lame, bringing the dead back to life, and causing a fig tree to die by speaking a word. 


Yet, in scripture we learn that this love, demonstrated to the world in the death of Christ on the cross, is extended to all who come after Him.  Over two thousand years ago on this day in history Jesus died.  On this side of Calvary, we look back and see that Jesus loved us so much He gave His life for us.  He was willing to go all the way to rescue me and you from the penalty of death and eternal separation from His abiding love.


If that was all there is-if Jesus dying was all there was-then we would be in the same boat with those who profess many other beliefs-but that is not all there is; no, there is more.  Jesus did die; but Jesus rose again from the grave.  Jesus both paid the price for our sin on the cross of Calvary, meeting the demands of the Old Testament law, but Jesus went a step further and on Sunday morning, He awoke from the temporary slumber of death and proved that “death ain’t no big deal.”


His death offers us forgiveness from sin; the risen Savior gives us evidence that we will not die, but live for eternity.  This life is not the end, but only the beginning.  We labor and toil here, because we live in a fallen, sinful, sick world; but this is not all there is-there is more, so much more, and for those who have accepted the forgiveness of Jesus Christ, we have eternity awaiting us.


Friend, today is Good Friday and Sunday is Easter-Resurrection Day-and both are special days if you know Christ and have chosen His free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus our Savior and the Messiah.  If not, then today and this weekend means nothing more than just another weekend to spend time on the lake or in the woods or eating a meal with the family. 


Jesus said, “I love you!”  And He proved it by spreading His hands out and allowing His hands and feet to be nailed to old, rough timbers.  For three hours He allowed His blood to freely flow and His body to burn in the mid-day heat of a boiling sun.  All in order to say, “I love you!”  Yet, even though He died on Friday, He rose again to life from the cold, dark, damp grave, to say with a triumph shout, “I LOVE YOU!” 


Yes, He loves you.  He loved you so much that He would rather die than live life without you.  Yes, He loves you.  He loves you more than you will ever realize, as He made a way for you to enjoy the fruits of life and eternity.  Yes, He loves you!


The old children’s song says, “Yes, Jesus loves me; Yes, Jesus loves me; Yes, Jesus loves me, for the Bible tells me so.”


God bless you and keep you, until next time…

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