Saturday, September 29, 2012

Election 2012 #1

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing with you important articles which I believe show the importance of voting in the upcoming election.  These articles are dated articles, which deal with some issue related to that time, but as we know history repeats itself.  Therefore I believe these to be timely and worth our consideration.

You Are Wrong If You Do Not Vote

You are wrong if you do not vote.
You are to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's.  Our Caesar [in the United States] is a government of the people by the people for the people.  One vote may make the difference.
In 1645 Oliver Cromwell gained control of England by one vote.
In 1649 Charles the First of England was executed because of one vote.
In 1776 one vote gave America the native language English rather than the German.  (humor insert: you ought to be glad for that because none of us speak German).  One vote!
In 1839 Marcus Morton was elected Governor of Massachusetts by one vote.
In 1845 one vote saved president Andrew Johnson from impeachment.
In 1876 One vote gave Rutherford B. Hays the presidency of the United States.
In 1923 ... one vote ... gave Adolph Hitler the leadership of the Nazi party.  One vote.
I'm only one but I am one.  I can't do everything but I can do something and what I can do I ought to do and that by the grace of God I will do.

Illustrationsbyemail (10/13/99): Brett Blair, Sermon Illustrations, 1999.

I urge you now to make plans to participate in the November elections.  It is vital that we the people V

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