Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Chick Fil A still under fire

This past weekend, I watched one of two of the Chick-Fil-A Kickoff Games televised from the Georgia Dome.  My game of choice for the weekend was the Auburn Tigers, as they begin their 2012 season.  It was a full weekend for ardent football fans and for the Georgia Dome.
The two day event began with Tennessee and North Carolina State on Friday.  The weekend concluded with Auburn and Clemson on Saturday.  They had expected more than 145,000 fans for the two events combined; as of latest discovery, Auburn and Clemson gathered around 74,000 and some change.  That is a fairly good attendance for a weekend in Atlanta.
“This marks the first time in college football history where two games of this magnitude have been hosted in the same facility, by the same organizer on consecutive days,” stated the website.
Hosted by Chick-Fil-A, the game day weekend also included sponsors such as Coke and AT&T.  These are big names and have been such in football history for some time. 
Now, at the risk of being called names, I want to point out that Chick-Fil-A became the punching post recently for all those who reject the sanctity of the biblical definition of marriage.  These who protest Chick-Fil-A advocate same sex marriage and same sex partnerships.  These individuals have become so irate with a statement made by Dan Cathy, on a Christian broadcast, where he stated his belief in the biblical definition of marriage-one woman and one man-they have labeled his speech and his business as a “hate group.”
Cathy was doing what any red-blooded American is allowed to do.  He was exercising his right to FREE SPEECH.  By doing so, he was sharing what he believes to be the true, only form of marriage protected by the constitution, and I applaud him for his stand and yes, I agree with him.
While many, many people stood in line to show their support for Dan Cathy and Chick-Fil-A on an appreciation day in August of this year, many others decided their course of action was to condemn him.  The condemnation was loudest among those who labeled the man and his business as homophobic, Christian extremist and intolerant.  While I agree that you have your right to oppose us for our stand, I am heartbroken that you would condemn us for taking our stand.
I bring all of this up, because I wonder how many watched the game on Saturday or attended the game in Atlanta, yet you are of the group in the opposition of Chick-Fil-A.  Could it be that you could be labeled “hypocrites” in your decision?  Again, this is just an opinion, my opinion and an honest question.
The company and its leadership uses their profits to help so many people in ways that are too numerous to list.  Several years ago I read an interview in a Christian magazine, where Truett Cathy-founder and father of Dan Cathy-spoke candidly of his faith, family and the future of his business.  He was open about his belief in the Lordship of Christ, the importance of family and his goals for leading a business based on biblical principles and biblical concepts.  In the interview he also openly discussed his support of the local church and missions around the world.
No one questioned his freedom of relating these things then.  No one even fired back on his thoughts and beliefs regarding his speaking out about his success in business being based on his biblical approach to living a life pleasing to God.  As a matter of fact, no where did I see or hear opposition.  His words were clear, his thoughts Christ-like and his feelings clear.
Yet, now there are individuals and groups taking aim at this Christian based business and even in light of their support for college athletics.  It seems there is a small effort to continue to use this business and its owners as a “punching post,” as they satisfy their desire for those things which do not reflect their way of thinking.  There was a call for a boycott at the game on Saturday and a drive in place to petition the removal of Chick-Fil-A as a sponsor of the Kickoff Game.  These are things we have not heard much about, and I only found them by Googling the phrase “Chick-Fil-A Kickoff Game.”         
            While the war continues to rage and opposition comes against our brothers and sisters, we as God’s people must continue to stand strong and serve as light in a dark, despairing world.  We are to pray and seek God’s help and show support to those who stand for freedom of speech and liberty in this land. 

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