Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father’s Day

I am getting the card ready to send to dad for Father’s Day.  I regret that he will receive it a day or two late, since I have been at camp, but I want him to have something from me.
He is a special man.  John Fuller is a man I have watched make changes through the years.  He has always been a strong, solid pillar for me.  Someone I have leaned on, turned to, and trusted.  We have had our tough times, difficulties and struggles; but through it all he has always been there to place his imprint on my life.

During my formative years, he was always making me very aware that I was not to travel the road he traveled.  He wanted the best from his oldest.  He was quick to correct, sometimes slower than I wanted to commend, but he was always there.  He never ceased to show his love through his actions.
I remember that he would wear worn-out, very used clothes, but dressed us in the best and newest.  He sacrificed so we could have what we needed.  We did not always get what we wanted; but we got what we needed.  All the while, it seemed to me, he went lacking.

But as I look back he had two sons he adored and had great pride in; he told others who would listen.  Every step of my ministry he followed and souls speak to others of the pride he held tightly in his heart.  He protected us, he led us, he watched over us.  Anytime we needed something, he might grumble, but he always did want he could.

Dad is in the “Hall of Fame of Father’s.”  Now, there will never be a trophy or articles or books written about him, but he is in my “Hall of Fame.”  My daddy is a special man, always remembered as the one who would “walk trough hell and half of Georgia for his boys.” (Those are his words)

Pappa, as my daughter and the other grand-girls call him, lives my brother now.  If August comes, he will turn 82 years old; but may not even realize it.  See, Alzheimer’s is slowly taking its crude and vicious control of his mind and on my last visit, it took him a moment to recognize who I was and my relation to him.  But, in the eyes my daddy is there, and I will always hold him in highest regard.

I pray I might be like in some ways, in my relationship with my daughter.

Happy Father’s Day!   

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