Friday, June 1, 2012

13 years and counting

Happy Anniversary Tina!

Today is our 13th year as husband and wife.  Last Friday this article appeared as my weekly column for the Coosa News.  Thought you all might enjoy it as well:

Historic Event
By: Dr. Jeff Fuller

On this day in history…
In 1453 Constantinople fell to Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, ending the Byzantine Empire.
In 1721 South Carolina was formally incorporated as a royal colony.
In 1916 United State forces invaded Dominican Republic and remained until 1924.
In 1974 United States President Nixon agreed to turn over 1,200 pages of edited Watergate transcripts.
In 1986 Colonel Oliver North told National Security Advisor William McFarlane that profits from weapons sold to Iran were being diverted to the Contras.
In 1988 NBC aired “To Heal A Nation,” the story of Jan Scruggs’ efforts to build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
In 1995 the last three bodied were discovered from the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
In 1999 Space Shuttle Discovery completed the first docking with the International Space Station.
And, on this day in history, thirteen years ago, I was standing at the front of First Baptist Church in Alexander City waiting to exchange vows with a wonderful, beautiful, god-appointed woman who would be my wife for the rest of my years upon this earth.
After ten years of attempting to do everything our own way, dating and talking, fighting and feuding, God stepped in and became the center of our lives and pointed us out and placed us together as husband and wife.
If I had done things right, we would have been celebrating something else on this day in history.
Thinking that we were meant together, I bought a ring, promised Tina the moon, and waited on her answer.  When things did not work out as we planned, we went our separate ways.  I returned the ring, bought a truck for one dollar, put a twelve thousand dollar engine under the hood, with a few little extras.  I never mentioned that the money from the ring went into this truck.
A year later we started talking again, being social and civil, as least we worked hard at those two important items.  We had too, to be honest.  She was serving as our Children’s Director and singing in the early services, so we at least had to make “nice.”
Tina planned a yard sale one Saturday morning across the street from the church, and called on Friday night, asking if she could borrow the truck.  I informed her that the truck was not running well, something was misfiring and it was difficult to get started.  She asked if I would at least leave the key in the ignition, since she may need it to get her stuff quickly.  I agreed.
On the next morning, I was waking up and heard rain hitting the windows.  It was more like a shower, but I realized she was going to need the truck.  I dressed and stepped out to find the truck gone.  Realizing she was able to get it started, I jumped in my Explorer and drove across the street, where she was loading the truck.  Helping her get the stuff in the dry, I commented about the difficulty she must have had starting the old truck.
Her reply astonished me, but made me realize how smart she was.  She said, “I had no trouble at all; it started the first time.”  Then she added, “You know, diamonds are a girls best friend?”
From that time on, the truck was nicknamed, “The Diamond.”
On May 29, 1999, I was scared to the point that I was shaking in my shoes.  But it was the right thing, and I knew it was; as God had confirmed it in more ways than I can tell.  We were engaged on February 14, started planning a wedding for May 29, and God was the only one who could do something like that in three months time.  With help from Ruby and Tina’s aunt Betty Rose, the event was one of great memories and worship.
If it had not been for an untold number of friends, we would not have put it together, carried it through and started out life with a confidence that was completely in a God who would not, can not fail or falter.  God has been and continues to be our mainstay in life and love.
Over 400 people showed up for the wedding, most of them came just to make sure that we did what we said we were going to do.  One couple drove from Arkansas to witness the event; while I believe money changed hands on the back pews as some lost and others won bets.  It was a day of witnessing the truth that God, when made the center and circumference of your life will truly give you the desires of your heart.  This is why it was most important to us that the wedding be a true time to worship and lift up the name of Jesus Christ.
The Word of God was proclaimed, and there were couples who recommitted themselves and their relationships to the Lord.  I believe that God used our wedding as a pivotal time in the lives of everyone who attended.
Even though these things are true, I have to tell you with all honesty we have experienced the ups and downs of life; there have been times of great joy and intense sorrow, but through it all we have turned to God together and walked before His throne, with bowed heads and bended knees to seek His strength and power and divine intervention in any problem which has come our way.  God has been so good to us and has always been faithful.
Tina holds tightly to a Word from the weeping prophet.  Jeremiah cries in great despair, lamenting the destruction of the city, and the troubles of the people.  Yet, there is a bright spot in all the wailing, and it is found in chapter 3:

“It is of Jehovah's lovingkindnesses that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.  Jehovah is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.  Jehovah is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.  It is good that a man should hope and quietly wait for the salvation of Jehovah.” (Lamentations 3:22-26 ASV)
Waiting is hard, it is tedious, and consist of work for which we do not like sometimes.  But God is faithful and He will bring to pass what He desires.  His purposes for you are greater than any dream or plan you may have, therefore wait on Him.  Isaiah said, “They that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31 KJV)
A personal word if I may?  This is to my loving, faithful, caring companion.  Tina, you are the best friend a man could ask for from a faithful God.  You are a wonderful mother to my daughter and an excellent pastor’s wife.  These have been thirteen of the best years of my life, and I look forward to whatever God has in store for us.  As we serve Him together, may we grow in His grace, His love, His riches, and His purposes.  Happy anniversary!

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