Freedom based on a sure foundation
By: Dr. Jeff Fuller
I wrote last year the following except on one of my
blogs. I thought it to be timely in
light of the trends in America, today. I
have changed a few things to bring it up-to-dat, but for the vast majority it
is exactly as published.

While America sleeps, lulled into acceptance of
whatever bodes well with the masses, our freedoms are being eroded, erased and
replaced by things foreign to the intent of the original thoughts and intents
of the Freedom Fighters of 239 years ago.
Oh my, wake up, America! It is time we got on our knees and hit our
feet and proclaimed freedom from sea to shining sea.
Our freedom is based on a firm foundation. It has within the core the stones of
Morality, Education, Law and Faith.
This is basically nothing more than a biblical
“Know ye not that ye are the temple
of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile
the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple
ye are.” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17 KJV)
When we turn to God we will find true freedom. The only true and abiding freedom is found in
Jesus Christ. By placing Him as first in
our life, giving Him all that are and every hope to be, and trusting His
leadership we will be free. Turn in the
pages of the Word of God and see this is truth.
It is a proven fact that a nation which exalts God,
will be a nation God blesses. Over and over
throughout the pages of the Old Testament we see that God is kind and giving to
that nation which will stand for Him, even in the midst of sure defeat. David wrote, “Happy is the nation whose God is Yahweh— the
people He has chosen to be His own possession!” (Psalm
33:12 HCSB)
When He is sought, surrendered to and solely attached
himself to the only way for hope and life, blessings were sure to come.
We know this to be true in our own lives. God said, “[If] My people who are called by
My name humble themselves, pray and seek My face, and turn from their evil
ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”
(2 Chronicles 7:14 HCSB)
When we place Him as the center of our lives, we are
truly at peace. Solomon gave wise
counsel to his son and it still rings true in the life of the Christian in the
21st Century:
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and
do not rely on your own understanding; think about Him in all
your ways, and He will guide you on the right paths. Don’t
consider yourself to be wise; fear the LORD and turn away from evil. This will be
healing for your body and strengthening for your bones.” (Proverbs
3:5-8 HCSB)
We must also remember He works all things to His own
pleasure. (Romans 8:28) He will reveal His will and we are to submit
to His purposes for our lives. This we
were created for.
The National Monument of the Forefathers stands
proudly in Plymouth, Massachusetts. It
is a statue of greatness as it commemorates the Pilgrims planting the colony of
Plymouth and the contribution they made to the great nation at large. It is an eighty-one-foot-tall structure made
of granite which provides a matrix for how a free society is built on the
Biblical ideals and worldviews, as was accomplished by these earlier settlers.
Matrix: “Something within which something else
develops, originates, or takes shape; a mold or a die.” (Webster)
“The monument is composed of numerous statues; the
more prominent is the heroic figure of Faith, standing with her right hand
pointed to the heavens and the other holding a Bible. At the base of the pedestal where Faith
stands are four seated statues representing Morality, Law, Education, and
Liberty-emblems of the principles upon which the Pilgrims built their
Commonwealth, each also having a symbol referring to the Bible that Faith
possesses. Flanking these allegorical
figures are smaller engravings representing more components of the template of
It is said there are many engravings upon the
monument, containing quotes from various sources. One is that of Governor William Bradford of
Plymouth Plantation. It speaks to the
truth that these Pilgrims were the “Parents of Our Republic.” The quote is:
“Thus out of small beginnings greater things have been
produced by His hand that made all things of nothing and gives being to all
things that are and as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here
kindled hath shone unto many, yea in some sort to our whole nation; let the
name of Jehovah have all praise.”
David Barton wrote:
“The monument provides is a matrix of liberty based
upon a worldview of our forefathers.
Their ideas gave birth to the most free, prosperous, virtuous, and just
nation the world has ever seen. If we
apply these principles today and build according to the successful pattern, we
can expect the same results.”
George Washington is said to have commented, “It is
impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and a Bible.”
Faith is the basic makeup of the foundation. Interlaced within the foundation are the
principles of morality, law and education.
When we examine all that has transpired we see that faith is the basic
tenant, a faith in some authority in order to determine what is considered
correct or lawful behavior. That
authority being the Bible and the God of Creation. All else has grown out of that basic
We have the Declaration of
Independence, the laws of the land, the principle of education, science, medicine
and everything else that we have because under the surface is faith and faith
is God, the Bible, Truth.
It was Benjamin Rush, one of the signers of the
Declaration of Independence and Father of Medicine in America who said:
“Christianity is the only true and perfect religion…As
mankind adopts its principles and obeys it precepts, they will be wise and
God Bless America!
(Dr. Jeff Fuller is pastor of the Rockford Baptist
Church in Rockford, Alabama. You may
reach him through the church office at 256-377-4900 or by email at
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