Saturday, October 19, 2013

Some things make you feel good.

Some things just make you feel good

By: Dr. Jeff Fuller

A call came in the other day at just the right time and in the rights place, which made me smile.

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity.  It seems that this pastor has gone from one event to another, one meeting to another, and one situation to another; all coming so fast, so intense with no end in sight.  Things in life will just tire you out.  It is the kind of tired that comes with an emotional, psychological, mental, and yes, even a spiritual drain.  These things come into my life and your life with just speed and impacting blows that you just seem to be spinning your wheels in quick sand.  Have you ever been there?

Sure you have!  We all have!  It is not something we are immune to, twist and turns will come in life and sometimes with regularity.  Other times it will be without warning.  Either way, these things will come leaving you breathless, bewildered, “bummed out.”  You will sit in your favorite chair, gazing into space, confused, feeling as if your head is full of so much cobwebs. 

These are the times of life when you need someone to come along and be your encourager.  You will need to someone to lift you up, say they are praying for you, or sit quietly while you sort it out in your head and in your heart.  This may come in the form of a casserole, “comfort food,” card, letter, or an offer to assist in some way.  However the encouragement comes, remember that God sent it as just the right time, in the time when you needed it most.

Paul had Barnabas, David had Jonathan, and Timothy had Paul.  The list is long of those in biblical time who had someone come to you, lift them up, encourage them, and stand with them through the difficult days of their lives.  Most importantly we have the admonition, “Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us be concerned about one another in order to promote love and good works…but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:23-25 (HCSB)

With all of this as the basis for the phone call, let me share with you the story.  I am driving along the Interstate, returning from a number of hospital visits.  I am tired, drained, and spent.  The phone rings and as soon as I punch the key to connect, the person on the other end said, “Just wanted to check on my pastor, brother and friend today.  How are you?”

Friends, you will never know how comforting, how refreshing, how listing those word sounded.  It left me with a smile on my face, a peace in my heart, and was the encouraging words I needed at that moment.  How wonderful it is to have people who think about you and willingly say the things you need at the moment you need them most.

The writer of Proverbs wrote many wise sayings.  Among them are two that stand out today: “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up.” Proverbs 12:25 (HCSB) and “A word spoken at the right time is like gold apples on a silver tray.” Proverbs 25:11 (HCSB)

Take time to encourage someone today and if you need encouragement, accept it because it will bless you and the one who gives it.

Until next time…

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