Executive Orders do not match up
By: Dr. Jeff Fuller
With that in mind, once I arrived back in our little town, I
went to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia and did a little research on
Executive Orders. The following is an
excerpt from Wikipedia:
“[The] United States President may issue executive orders to
help officers and agencies of the executive branch manage the operations within
the federal government itself. Executive
orders have the full force of the law, since issuances are typically made in pursuance
of certain Acts of Congress, some of which specially delegate to the President
some degree of discretionary power (delegated legislation), or are believed to
take authority from a power granted directly to the Executive by the Constitution. However, these perceived justifications cited
by Presidents when authoring Executive Orders have come under criticism for
exceeding executive authority; at various times throughout United States
history, challenges to the legal validity or justification for an order have
resulted in legal proceedings.”
There is something we all need to be reminded of; something which
makes us wonder what is going on in the mind of our President. This practice of the President in making
and/or executing executive orders is not something granted, but implied by the Constitution. Wikipedia had something to say about that as
“Although there is no constitutional [provision] or statute
that explicitly permits executive orders, there is a vague grant of “executive
power” given in Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of the Constitution, and
furthered by the declaration “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”
made in Article II, Section 3, Clause 5.
Most executive orders use these Constitutional reasoning’s as the
authorization allowing for their issuance to be justified as part of the
President’s sworn duties, the intent being to help direct officers of the United
States Executive Branch to carry out their delegated duties as well as the
normal operations of the federal government; the consequences of failing to
comply [could] possibly [be] the removal from office.”
As stated above, the President is to “take Care that the
Laws be faithfully executed.” His job is
to see that the Constitution is preserved and that citizens of the State are
treated fairly and with the dignity they deserve. In January, the present President stood
before the huge crowd of dignitaries and onlookers and took his Oath of Office,
in which he said he is to and he will “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution
of the United States .” This is his job!
He cannot make laws; that is the job of Congress. Every year they pass something along which
needs to be published, put into effect and adhered to. This is when the President goes to bat,
travels the country, and speaks in favor of the new legislation. Most of the time, he is the one that has pushed
it through, handing out favors, and patting people on the back to get what he
wants (an example would be OBAMACARE).
There are times, I feel sure, that the President will write
up one of these executive orders to support or remind the Executive staff and
the Cabinet members of the newest tome passed down from Congress. While we may never know, these at times might
be terse and pointed, they fall within that area of enacted laws which must be
“preserved, protects, and defended.”
Yet, while I have attempted to reveal the history, and point
to the present, making it light hearted there is a problem. Presently, the administration has either
never read or fully understood the gravity of the Bill of Rights and the
Constitution; or they have decided that they will throw it out and make laws
and enact rules which are pleasing to them.
The Washington Post took exception to the executive orders,
particularly in context of the gun control agenda which the President is
pushing. They cited that the executive orders
could cause him to loss face with both sides of the aisle, being perceived as a
dictator instead of a President.
As truth would hold, that is what is wrong with his signing
twenty three executive orders on one day.
Nineteen of these have something regarding gun control or an examination
of gun sales practice within them, in some form or fashion. While the President has said on more than one
occasion he is not going to take away guns from the American people, he has on
more than one occasion implied that he wanted a tighter reign on the gun sales
and that he wants a federal registration of guns, which several of these
executive orders speaks to in some form.
Also, in Congress there are those who are siding with him in
pushing for tighter controls, more rules and regulations, more struggles and
more problems for the American people.
Aside from the gun issue, we have pressing issues in economic affairs,
business failures, and the national debt.
Taxation and the new health care rules are causing more headaches than
we can manage.
What the President needs to be doing is balancing the
budget. Do you realize that we are in
the fifth year-5 YEARS-without a budget for this country? How in the world are we going to live through
one of the most difficult times in American history without a budget? I will concur that a budget is nothing more
than a guideline to go by, but we do not even have that on the national
level. We are spending money we do have
in hopes of having money to spend which we do not have, nor will have in the
future. We are in debt up to our
eyeballs and it seems that this President has no vision for bringing it under
Adding to that the massive and far reaching health care
imitative which is now in effect, which is causing no small stir among the
American people. Another example of the
“Big Brother” concept, which mandates that the government pay for health care
and the people be tied to the strings of someone always watching and making
your decisions for you. Hidden deep within
the bill is the concept that when you need surgery, immediately, there is a
group of people deciding if you really need the surgery and if the government
will cover that procedure. What has come
under attack is the issue of contraception, and this has caused legal rumbles
among the religious non-profit organizations and the Christian owned for-profit
Our Presidents time would be better spent in daily
operations of making government work, than in writing out useless or harmful
missives which will do nothing but cause heartache. We are a nation which is struggling to stay
afloat and the captain of the ship is asleep at the wheel.
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