Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Twist Tweets

It seems that someone took offence to a post by a popular preacher.  Well, actually from what I understand there were a great deal of “someone’s” who took offence to a post and have yet to let it go.
Here is the story.  Rick Warren, the celebrated pastor of Saddleback Community Church in California Tweeted a comment that was taken out of context and atheist accused him of blaming the Colorado shooting on the teaching of evolution in our public schools. 
The tweet was, “When students are taught they are no different from animals, they are going to act like it.” 
His comment was actually regarding the tragedy of teenage sexual exploration.  A father had emailed him earlier in the day informing him that a teacher in the public school had instructed his child that it was good and common for a teenager to have many sexual partners.  Therefore his Tweet was in essence a statement on the plight of teens in our world, since they are taught evolution, it is reasonable to think they will act like animals.
It was posted Friday, July 20 at exactly 2:09 PM.  It was deleted two days later.  Therefore, since the Tweet was a simple statement, and what appeared to be on his mind at the time, it drew fire from several corners.  Tweeting, unlike Facebook, does not allow for lengthy and verbose explanations.  Due to the lack of commentary, many were quick to jump on the bandwagon against Warren.  On Sunday, July 22, Warren sent this message, via Tweeter: “No context causes misinterpretation: When [you] tweet what’s on your mind, people assume [you are] talking about what’s on THEIR mind.”
Simple enough, right?  Warren was sharing with the public what was on his mind at the moment, with no reference to the shootings in Colorado which had claimed the life of thirteen people, injuring as many as fifty or more.  He was voicing his own exasperation over the fact that teachers, leaders, those entrusted with the care of our children were telling them that it was permissible, almost a badge of honor to have as many sex partners as possible while you are young.  Oh my, what a troubling thought.
But it gets even more troubling in reference to Warren’s Tweet and the backlash.  It seems to be an issue that he has offended the scientists, the atheist, and educational system as a whole.  There are a number of people up in arms that the post was removed, and there was no apology, no attempt to pacify those who were offended by the pastor.  Apology?  No need for one as I see it; the apology needs to come from those who misunderstood and made a simple exasperated comment into a debate on creationism verses evolution.
There is a lesson to learn here.  One that is very, very important.  We must, at all times, be careful with what we say-whether in print or in speech.  More times than not, I always say, “Lord, help me be vigilant in keeping my mouth closed; and when I fail, slap your hand across my mouth.”
David wrote something that rings true regarding this topic.  He wrote:
“Give ear unto my voice, when I call unto thee.  Let my prayer be set forth as incense before thee; The lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.  Set a watch, O Jehovah, before my mouth; Keep the door of my lips.  Incline not my heart to any evil thing, To practice deeds of wickedness With men that work iniquity: And let me not eat of their dainties.” (Psalms 141:1-4 ASV)

The only exercise some folks get is jumping to conclusions.  So it seems several folks got in some serious exercise time last week.  Let us not be one of them.

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