DeSoto Caverns in
Childersburg, Alabama
By: Dr. Jeff Fuller
links to other information and insight into this attraction at the end of blog.
Break 2014 and DeSoto Caverns was the perfect spot to spend a carefree morning
with my little girl and one of her school mates. We enjoyed the games, time roaming through
the gift shop and taking the hour tour of the cave. We laughed, pointed and were amazed.
was not my first time, or for that fact it was not a first for my daughter
either. It was two years ago we drove
over to the cave and enjoyed the day. On
the other hand, her friend had never been to DeSoto plus had never been in a
cave. Of course my daughter had to tell
her how dark it was, how scary it was, how big it was and how many dead things
were there. I added to it by telling
them not to let the bats poop in their hair.
Oh, what fun it was…
these two fifth graders did not know was that the history lesson was the
highlight for me. Being a history
buff-amateur history buff-and particularly the rich history of Alabama, it was
a true privilege for me to walk back into a place where much history was made.
cave dates back to the Coosa Indian tribe which settled into the area of
Talladega County, with the tribal capital originally located west of the site
of DeSoto Caverns.
“An woodland Indian burial called a ‘Copena’ burial site
can be seen in DeSoto Caverns. The word "Copena" comes from the first
three letters of copper and the last three letters of galena, two materials
commonly found in these burials. Typically, more than one body fills the mound
pit along with such burial offerings as a leaf-shaped stone spear point (called
a Copena point).
Prior to a typical Copena burial, the Indians placed
their dead out on racks in the sun to dry and decay. Birds would eat away the
flesh after which the Indians would gather up the bones and carry them in a
sack to their ancestral cave. Here, they would cover the sack with clay and
bury it in the earth. The Indians believed it was important that each dead
person's spirit have the use of his or her limbs, hands, etc., to get around in
the afterlife. They also believed the cave was a peaceful and protective
environment for the spirits of their ancestors to live on in.
The burial was discovered in 1965 by a team of
archaeologists from the University of Alabama. It contained the skeletons of
five Indians, one of whom was a child. Of special note was the immense jawbone
of one of these Indians who scientists believe was more than seven feet tall.
Several years ago, DeSoto Caverns Park officials agreed to allow a group of
Native Americans to rebury the remains of these Indians in an undisclosed area
of the cave.”
Of interest during the tour is our guide, Mac, pointed out the staff and employees were not allowed into the cave during this ceremony. They do not have any clue nor are they interested in locating the secret burial place of this undisclosed grave.
In 1549, the arrival of Hernando de Soto, along with his Spanish expedition, marks the beginning of a recorded history in Alabama.
“Spain was the first European nation to discover and
claim what is now Alabama, and DeSoto became the first European to explore the
interior North American continent. At the time of DeSoto's entrance into
America, the Muskogean Indians inhabited almost the entire Southeast.”
The Coosa Indians represented the Muskogeans with their capital, also called Coosa, near what is now Childersburg, just a few miles west of DeSoto Caverns. The Coosa Empire, said to be the first in Alabama's recorded history, extended from Gadsden to Wetumpka, occupying both sides of the Coosa River. Coosa, which means "canebrake," was a city of refuge to the Indians, a city of peace. DeSoto Caverns, just on the outskirts of the Coosa capital, was the ancestral cave.
The DeSoto expedition spent a little over five weeks in the Coosa capital. Their mission was two major aspects: they were to find gold and were to establish the first Spanish colony in the New World. The Coosa Micco (or chief) welcomed DeSoto very warmly during a ceremony that took place near the entrance of DeSoto Caverns. The Micco offered DeSoto territory in which to establish a colony, but DeSoto refused because he had come for gold. Of great importance is that he never found any gold in the surrounding territory. In spite of Micco's kindness, DeSoto took him hostage, took slaves from among the Coosa people and raided their storage bins for food on his journey south.
“After the Revolutionary War and signing of final
treaties with Britain in 1783, America experienced several years of severe
growth pains in forming its government. Finally, on April 30, 1789, George
Washington, Revolutionary War hero, was elected the country's first president.
Soon after, Benjamin Hawkins was appointed the United States Agent among the
Creeks and General Superintendent of all tribes south of the Ohio River.
In December 1796, he visited the Upper Creek territory
and in his report to President Washington described the magnificent beauty of
DeSoto Caverns. This report makes DeSoto Caverns the first officially recorded
cave in the United States.”
The Civil War erupted in 1861. With the Civil War, Childersburg men joined the Confederate Army with the whole community supporting the Confederate cause. As the war neared its end the Confederate Army encouraged families to mine caves for saltpeter. This natural resource was used in making gunpowder. With such a looming and critical issue the Army encouraged young men to mine saltpeter rather than enlist. These men were paid them up to 59¢ per pound for saltpeter. Because of the promise, DeSoto Caverns became a gunpowder-mining center.
“Cave soil, often rich in calcium nitrate (Ca (NO3)2
" 4H20), called saltpeter, can be processed into potassium nitrate, or
niter (KNO3). Niter makes up 75% of what we call gunpowder. The mining of
saltpeter required a lot of water, which DeSoto Caverns with its spring-fed
well had, in abundance.”
A wooden vat, called a leaching vat, was constructed so that when water was added, the soil in the vat became thoroughly saturated. The nitrate-enriched water would filter out the bottom of the vat into a leaching trough, a small ditch. The water was allowed to stand so that the soil's impurities would settle out. The nitrate water was then carried in buckets out of the cave and boiled in large kettles where it was mixed with potash or wood ashes.
This process converted the calcium nitrate into potassium nitrate or niter. Finally, the water was boiled off leaving niter crystals usable, after drying, for making gunpowder. The actual well, leaching trough, and a reconstructed vat used in this operation are on display in the caverns.
DeSoto Caverns were purchased by Mrs. Ida Mathis and a number of friends in 1912, with the idea of mining the cave for its abundant onyx (a colorful semi-precious stone). Mrs. Mathis was well- known as a celebrity throughout Alabama. She was one of the few nationally recognized women of her time. Traveling throughout the United States giving lectures on crop rotation to farmers she would become a respected political figure in Washington DC as well as Alabama.
As studies were conducted the caverns proved to be a "gold mine" of onyx. With visions of grandeur and dollar marks in their eyes, all the partners expected to become millionaires from the mining operation. However, Mexican Onyx became popular about this time as labor costs in Mexico were very low, compared to operations in America. Additionally dreams of grandeur were squashed as more extensive studies of the caverns showed that the onyx was not of uniform high grade for mass production. Leaving the partners with severe disappointment they did not pursue their mining interests thus leaving the cave to lay dormant for several years following.
Prohibition, as ratified by the 18th Amendment was passed in 1919 which disallowed the manufacture, distribution or sale of liquor in America and Talladega County. Liquor was defined as any beverage having 1/2 of 1% alcoholic content by volume. Since those who had made it a habit to drink and manufacture moonshine in lived in the area, the caverns became a place to hide out and make moonshine. It is said that making the shine was no problem, but getting it out was costly; the entrance was a mudslide and attempting to carry out the product was disastrous. Therefore, the cave became a popular drinking hole and square dance center with a little gambling thrown in for good measure. Residents soon knew DeSoto Caverns as one of Birmingham area's more rough "speakeasies."
So what do you think happens when you combine a cave, drinking, rednecks, women and guns? It you said violence, then you are right! The shootings and fights that erupted on a continual basis caused the caverns to become known in the early 1920s as "The Bloody Bucket." Soon, however-about three months after it opened to the public-due to its growing reputation, Federal Agents closed it down.
The 18th Amendment was ratified establishing the 21st Amendment in 1933. Even with the repeal of the 18th Amendment, "The Bloody Bucket" was not re-opened.
It is interesting to note, that rumor has it, there was a tunnel in the back left side of the cave which extended to Talladega. It is said that moonshine was transported underground to Talladega, thus outsmarting the Revenue Agents. This is just a rumor. There is also, in my mind, the thought that the tunnel was built during the Civil War to transport gun powder to Talladega, to supply munition plants in the Breacon Area. Now, this is an interesting rumor I want to explore, because if it turns out to be truth, then there is some history there as well.
During the middle of the 1920s new life was brought to the caves. Allen W. Mathis, son of Ida Mathis, bought out the other mining partners' interest in the caverns and secured all underground rights to the property and surrounding areas. Throughout the first half-century, DeSoto Caverns was a popular place of exploration for young romantics and teenage spelunkers. In the early 1960s, Mathis began to develop the caverns into a show cave, which was soon opened to the public. Extensive research into the caverns' history revealed some exciting facts. For example, in 1965, an archaeological excavation undertaken by the University of Alabama unearthed a 2,000 year-old Indian burial. That same year, under the direction of Fred Layton, the caverns were officially opened to the public.

“New modern back lighting was installed, pathways widened
and improvements added to facilitate large groups of visitors in safety and
comfort. Back areas of the cave never before accessible to visitors were opened
in 1980. The 1980s also saw the development of the spectacular Laser Light,
Sound & Water Show in the Great Onyx Cathedral along with other new
displays to make the caverns' rich historical background come alive for
It was also during this time that DeSoto's Shipboard
Playground was erected, a 3,000-square-foot natural log cabin gift shop with
mission-style bell tower was built and DeSoto's Cantina opened. As of September
2008, the Playground ship was removed, and in its place a Dinosaur Dig was
erected. Camping facilities were enlarged and updated. Extensive landscaping of
the park, its picnic grounds and recreation areas were begun. In the 1990s,
under the direction of Allen Mathis III, the park continued to add exciting new
attractions, including DeSoto's Wall Climb, Gemstone Panning and Water Dodge.
Mathis also replaced the 83 steps that led from the cave entrance to the bottom
of the caverns floor with a walk-through tunnel.”
the cave allows you to walk back into history, seeing the sights and hearing
the sounds that DeSoto and Indians of years ago saw so dimly with their sticks
and oil cloths. With the artificial
lights installed, you see the colors of rust, onyx and algae. The formations make for a use of imagination
as you see curtains, columns and creatures.
the cave, the temperature is always a constant 60 degrees, with 100% humidity,
making it feel more like 70 degrees.
Yet, the sights make you forget an outside world as you observe the well
dung by slaves during the Civil War, the waterfalls and burial place of the fur
trader who betrayed the Indian chief.
tour of the cave last about an hour and involves a 1/3 mile walk into the
center of the cave. In the cathedral of
the cave, it is the size of a football field, with a height compared to a 12
story building.
the park you will find amble space to enjoy a picnic or foods purchased in the
gift shop. There are also camp sites
with hook ups for campers or motorhomes.
It is a place with handicap accessibility throughout the park.
Light Show in the Cave
tour has a special light show for the time of the year. There is a light show catered to Valentine’s,
Easter, Independence Day which is the God and Country show and Christmas. During the rest of the year patrons
experience the Creation Light Show based on the book of Genesis. So it really does not matter when you come to
the cave, you will always have the opportunity to enjoy an awesome light show
on every tour.
There is something for everyone at any age at DeSoto
Caverns. In the park is you will find
what is called “Wacky” attractions.
These include: Gemstone Panning, DeSoto’s Lost Maze, Tubs of Fun, Happy
Hoops, DeSoto’s Cave Wall Climb, Crystal Fund, Cannon Wars, DeSoto’s Disc Golf
Course, Happy’s Pedal Go-Carts, Happy’s Cruisin Track, Twin Spin, Squirt Gun
Maze, Water Balloon Battle, Bumper Cars, Happy’s Slip’n Slide, Beach Ball
Blast, Mini Pedal Go Karts and GyroXtreme.
Prices for Park
rate is ages 3 - 11. Children 2 and under are free for cave tours only
when accompanied by an adult.)
Adult Caverns Tour $20.99
ONE YEAR Adult Cave Tour for just $5 more $25.99
Child Caverns Tour (ages 3-11) $17.99
ONE YEAR Child Cave Tour for just $5 more $22.99
ATTRACTION Tickets $5.99 Each
Adult Caverns Tour $20.99
ONE YEAR Adult Cave Tour for just $5 more $25.99
Child Caverns Tour (ages 3-11) $17.99
ONE YEAR Child Cave Tour for just $5 more $22.99
ATTRACTION Tickets $5.99 Each
Note: Some rides are
subject to age, size, or health restrictions (see attractions link for more
info). The Butterfly House and water attractions are seasonal.
(5 Attraction Tickets) $21.99
(5 Attraction Tickets) $21.99
ATTRACTION 10 Pac (10 Attraction Tickets) $33.49
PHOTO in Cave (1 copy) $9.99 (2 copies) $15.99 (3
copies) $19.99
DeSoto Caverns was listed on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage on July 19, 1976.
DeSoto Caverns
Directions: Hwy 76, 5 miles
east of Childersburg.
Hours: April-September Monday-Saturday
9:00 am-5:30 pm, Sunday 1:00 pm-5:30 pm; November-March Monday-Sunday 9:00 am-4:30
pm (Call to verify)
Phone: 256-378-7252
For more information
and research, follow these links: