Friday, January 31, 2014

Reviewing Winter Storm LEON

Winter Weather Priceless Privilege

By: Dr. Jeff Fuller

Watching the news out of Birmingham the last few days of January was interesting to say the least.  Cars parked along the interstates, stories of children unable to go home from school, parents separated from families for an extended period of time, and snow everywhere. 

Today I read with great interest a story on  by Mr. Ken Hare.  He went in-depth covering the stories regarding our schools where our state's school teachers and administrators stayed at their posts to protect the more than 11,000 students marooned in dozens of schools by the storm.  They did not just take a few extra hours of their personal time to do the job which was required of them because of this horrific storm that changed the southern landscape into a winter wonderland.  No, hundreds of teachers, principals and other administrators put their students first.  Sure they were probably wanting to be home with their own families, but they chose to put the students first.   

            Have you read the story or heard about my friend Mark Meadows.  I have know Mark for several years and have been impressed with his compassion and care for others.  That is the reason he is a part of a Christian organization such as Chick-Fil-A in Birmingham (Off Highway 280).  During the storm he took time to put together food for those who were stranded along the highway in front of his store.  Yet, he did not stop there, because he and the team opened up the restruruant for travelers as they gave them warmth and shelter.

Amazing news; unprepared because of forecasters predicting everything to fall south of a line which included our own Coosa County.

On Monday, January 27 the weather forecasters were saying that Coosa County would receive a dusting of snow, mixed with sleet and at that time they were not sure there would be any accumulation in the line that ran from Demopolis to Clanton to Chambers County.  Plans as of late Monday were for schools to close at noon.  Therefore, when I stepped out of the house at 7:15 Tuesday morning and sleet was steady and sticking, I had a sinking feeling things were not going to go as planned. 

Schools shut down at 10:00 AM, traffic picked up along county roads and state roads; life got very busy and hectic, fast.  With that said roads were icing quickly along Highways 280, 231, 22 and 9.  Calls were increasing and dispatchers along with officers were running from one call to the next.  There were cars in ditches, minor fender benders, and trucks unable to transverse icy bridges and steep grades.  Added to this was the fact that available towing services were unavailable due to the wreckers being stuck, unable to respond to needed situations.

The storms rapid movement into the area coupled with the increase in call volume and stranded motorist could have become a nightmare-like the problems facing Jefferson County and Montgomery County-but not for Coosa County.  No, the old motto of the scouts, “BE PREPARED,” was put to use and the theme of PROFESSIOALISM with ACOUNTABILITY was put into practice in a real, beneficial way with the help of others from the community.

By the middle of the afternoon on Tuesday we realized that there were going to be stranded truckers in Rockford with nowhere to eat.  Investigator (CCSO Reserve) Joel Glover sensed this need and knew how to meet it.  Tina Fuller was called into service and started planning a meal for the evening, fit for a southern king.

             Around 1800 hours Tina, along with Savannah Fuller, Triston McCain, Ray Weaver (AST Chaplain) and Bonnie Weaver served not only stranded truckers, but also two stranded motorist and our officers who were working in the inclement weather. 

            Rockford Baptist became a way station during the snow event, as meals were served and a place for these weary travelers to socialize and get up-to-date information regarding road conditions.  Two stranded travelers also found refuge at the church.

            One of those individuals who stayed at the church on Tuesday and Wednesday night was Rita Remson.   She is a state employee from Albertville and while attending a meeting in Montgomery was caught in the last minute shut down of all government offices.  Working her way out of Montgomery, slowly coming up Highway 231 into Coosa County, she found that she could get no further than Rockford.  Faced with a decision, she found help and hope at Rockford Church.

            On Wednesday afternoon the stranded truckers took the chance and hit the road heading for their destinations but not until they had made it perfectly clear that they were thankful to have been in a town like Rockford and a place like Coosa County.  That evening Tina and her crew prepared a wonderful meal for all emergency response workers, joined by four of the outstanding Troopers. 

            While Tina truly outworked herself and met a most pressing need, she did not do it alone.  Without the help of a lot of people, it would have been a most cumbersome task.  Savannah Fuller, Chief Wanda Avant, Ronnie and Jenny Joiner, Maxine and Dave Larmon, Rhonda Howard, Daniel Cohen, Jon and Dianna Anderson, Triston McCain, Ray and Bonnie Weaver.  Food supplies were needed since the Dollar General was closed, so we are thankful to Jenny Joiner, Jon Anderson, Sheriff Terry Wilson and Captain Mike Mull, along with Emojean Austin and Mable Austin.

            As Chaplain of the Sheriff’s Office, it is a pleasure to work with the fine folks in Coosa County, especially during difficult times such as these.  Watching people gather together to help others, giving relief to wayward travelers has blessed my heart more than I can actually tell.  It has giving me a new hope and sense of God’s great work in our world.

            We squander our time focusing on the troubles and struggles going on around our world, fretting and worrying about things we have no control over.  Seems that we get to a point where all we know to do is grumble and complain.  Yet in a time like we endured during the last week of January our focus changes and it bring with it a new sense of love, care, and compassion.  It is times like these which bring a fresh meaning of God’s people being the hands and feet of the Master.  Being obedient in little God made something big of it all.

            The story of the little boy coming to Jesus with five loaves of bread and two small fish comes to mind.  Jesus has 5,000 people before-that is the count for the men in the crowd-and that number equates to about 20,000 people.  These people are hungry and there is nowhere to get a Happy Meal at that time of the day; and Jesus is reminded they do have the money to buy them even if McDonald’s was open.  A little boy wanders in and changes the whole scene.  He has with him a basket of five pieces of flat bread and two dried fish.

The followers of the Master Teacher are shocked when Jesus tells them to sit everyone down.  They begin to think that maybe the heat has gotten to Jesus.  Jesus takes the little meal into his hands and blesses it and what happens is incredible.

“Then He instructed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in ranks of hundreds and fifties. Then He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke the loaves. He kept giving them to His disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. Everyone ate and was filled. Then they picked up 12 baskets full of pieces of bread and fish. Now those who ate the loaves were 5,000 men.” (Mark 6:39-44 HCSB)

            I would have to say that feeding an average of 20 people five meals during the snow storm in Rockford was a “fishes and loaves” moment.  We received the food items from the ones who willingly provided, added it to what we had in our panty at the house, and God performed a miracle. 

            A miracle for sure!  We had soup left over which we will feed to the teenagers and children, along with their workers, Sunday evening (an approximate total of 30 people) and there were other food items we froze and put back, just in case another storm hits soon, because you just never know.

            Pleased to have been a part of the hands of Jesus, feels a little akin to bragging.  So I believe it is best just to say I am deeply humbled by the opportunity to be used by God in a God sized task.

Tina said of the event in Coosa County and in other places around the state: “I have read many stories and seen many newscasts on the declining state of our county.  Yes, Godlessness has been running rampant through the land and moral decay is not an issue, but a fact.  After seeing the testimonies of people coming to the aid of others through this disaster has shown us all something.  God is still in our nation through His people having compassion on others in a time of great need.  I love it when God shows Himself and shows out.” 

             Dave Larmon said, “We got all positive comments from the men that move us-The Truckers.  One called his wife and told her, ‘Honey, you will not believe the hospitality that was shown to us.  Place to park our trucks [beside the] Sheriff’s Office, and honey supper and breakfast-hot ones at that-cooked at the church.’  It made my heart jump.”

            This is actually just a snapshot of the great opportunity we have had this week.  God has blessed us as we have been able to bless others.

Monday, January 27, 2014

41 Years; 50 million later

41 Years and 50 Million Later

By: Dr. Jeff Fuller


January 22, Wednesday of this week, was the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court decision called Roe vs. Wade.  It was this decree handed down by the high court making abortion legal in our country all the way up to birth, if the health of the mother is at stake; and the health of the mother has been construed to mean any discomfort that would come from an unwanted pregnancy. So what we have had for 41 years is virtually abortion on demand. In that time, the lives of 50 million unborn children have been ended by abortion in the United States. Women’s Issues web site estimates that worldwide that same number of abortions happen each year.

A recent article in The Alabama Baptist said that Israel will offer free abortions to women ages 20-33 years of age.

“[Making] it easier for economical distressed women to obtain an abortion.  The 2014 “health basket” of medical services and medications approved by Israel’s cabinet January 5 includes free abortions for Israeli women age 20 to 33, regardless of the circumstances.

The $4.6 million earmarked by the Health Ministry committee will cover some 6,300 abortions for women who cannot afford the procedure.

In 2013, almost 20,000 women received permission to abort from hospital termination committees, according to Efrat, an organization that encourages women considering abortion to have their babies.

Until now, government-funded abortions have been reserved for women younger than 19 or older than 40, and in cases where the fetus has a severe defect, the mother’s life is endangered or the pregnancy is a result of sexual abuse.  If a woman believed the pregnancy would cause harm, physically or emotionally, she had to pay for the procedure herself.” (The Alabama Baptist; Volume 179, Number 3; January 16, 2014; page 16)

Fifty million babies, murder for the sake of convenience or to rectify a bad choice.  It is not a shame?  We have legally found a way to commit murder in America.  A friend in Georgia puts it this way: “Abortion is the used in an attempt to correct the consequences of a bad choice.”

The story is told that a woman who had gone to the hospital preparing to be admitted to deliver her first baby, sat in the restroom, alone contemplated the future and how she could rid herself of this unwanted child that would soon come screaming from her body.  She began a process of trying to self-abort the baby, but her attempts failed.

She entered the labor room, gave birth to a baby boy and he was dependent upon her.  Of course all babies are, dependent upon the mother and father for food, clothing, safety, and life.  She did the best she could.  The boy grew both physically and mentally, not knowing that his life was almost cut short by the ponderings of the mother.

I remind you today that the Word of God, as communicated by God Himself says, “You shall not murder.” (Exodus 20:13)  In other places throughout the Old Testament we find the same commandment in various ways.  Why?  Why did God say that we are not to murder?

He said in Genesis 9:6: “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.”  Think about it; when you attack someone else, you are attacking God.  Man is made in the image of God, the express image of God, and therefore when we attack man, we attack God. 

A mistake it seems many have made is that they have missed Theology A98 and do not understand that we are created in God’s image.  A Princeton professor, Peter Singer argues, “The life of an adult pig deserves protection more than that of a new born human baby, and . . . the parents should be free to kill their young children already born if they deem them unacceptably disabled.” (Richard John Neuhaus, “While We’re at It” in First Things; January, 2006, Issue 159; Page 74)

Faulty reasoning for sure!  To compare a pig to a baby, much less mankind.  He is wrong!  The reason he is wrong is that the human baby is created in the image of God, and the pig isn’t.

David goes on to make the declaration: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” (Psalm 139:13-14). 

Personally, God takes great care and involvement in each of us.  It is from the “womb,” in the belly on the mother, we are crafted by the hands of the Father of Creation. 

Got a problem with that?  Think that we are not anything more than a piece of tissue, then you need to read the words of the angel to the prophet Zechariah concerning John the Baptist, “He will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb,” then just a few verse down we see that when Mary created the mother Elizabeth, the Word of God says that she declared, “Behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.” (Luke 1:44)

            The fetus within the mother is a living, growing, protected person God is creating for His purposes.  Yet, today fifty million will not see that purpose worked out.  Let us pray and work to end Roe vs Wade and the end of this legally protected murder of our unborn children.

            Until next time…

Monday, January 13, 2014

That's a fact, Jack!

That’s A Fact, Jack

By: Dr. Jeff Fuller

We live in a messed up world.  It is truly a most discouraging and disheartening time in the world in which we call home.  All that has transpired around us over the past few months brings with it sorrow, shame and embarrassment.  It is a work of the evil forces of this world to bring us down, destroy the joy of our salvation, and to crumble the foundations.

It was Paul who wrote, “For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. This is why you must take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand. Stand, therefore…” (Ephesians 6:12-14 HCSB)  That right there explains a great deal.  That’s a fact, Jack!

Often, over the last few weeks I have wondered about the warfare being waged against those who stand for truth and goodness.  I have wondered what we could do, who believe on the name of Jesus Christ.

I have come to a conclusion.  It is simple.  Know the facts!  See how simple that is?

Daddy Robertson was given a long-term vacation from the “Duck Dynasty” show, which is about his family and their success as “Duck Commanders.”  Did he do anything immoral? Oh, no; no, he stepped on some toes.  The producers of the “Duck Dynasty” show, the popular A&E Network sidelined him because of comments he made in an interview with “GQ” which reflected his understanding of the scriptural mandate regarding sin, marriage, and God’s forgiveness and love for mankind.  He spoke the truth, but some took exception to the truth, caused a ruckus and he got booted.  That’s a fact, Jack.

Yet, the A&E Network, bullied by liberal, anti-god organizations took exception to his bold stance for Christ.  This from the same network that brings us a mixture of shows, with captivating names and a mixture of “arts and entertainment.” 

Recently, the network released the movie, “Bonnie & Clyde” which praises and glorifies the historical duo who were accused of a killing and robbing rampage that left a mark on our world.  In a listing of the top shows, there are “Storage Wars,” “Shipping Wars,” “Rodeo Girls,” (with show titles such as “Hot to Trot,” “Fight in the Barnyard” and “Rodeo and Juliet”) and “Crazy Hearts/Nashville.” 

This is also the same network that brings us “Dog The Bounty Hunter” with language unfit for human thought, “Dance Mom” who will make you or break you, “Hoarders,” “Intervention,” “Paranormal Cops,” and “Obsessed.”  Honestly, they were bold enough to excuse their booting of Robertson by reminding their audience that they are the ones who brought us “Christianity: The First 2000 Years” and “Mysteries of the Bible.”  Looking back over this list, it is all about money!  That’s a fact, Jack.

Moving from television, think with me about the incidents over the past few weeks.  In the news we saw where a student was dismissed from school for hugging his teacher, a Connecticut school denied a student-led Bible study club the right to participate in the school’s activity fair, and countless others news articles were printed to related to the active plaque of “sin” and “anti-Christian” sentiment in our world.  We are living in a time like no other; a time when evil prevails and goodness and godliness is beaten down.  We are seeing the beginnings of the end.  It is truly a fact, Jack.

I like the post several friends have added to social media as they have responded to the the situation regarding Phil Robertson.  They have spoken truth in a time when it so many are trying to squash truth flat as a pancake.

The Lead Pastor of The Ridge (Georgia) said, “In regards to the Phil Robertson and A&E many of us would be so bold as to do what he did: 1) spoke the truth from the word unashamedly, but not judgmentally or condescending. 2) spoke about loving sinners and sharing Jesus with them and letting God do the judging 3) then shared the Gospel boldly, succinctly, and in love with the interviewer. In our culture those things are not protected under free speech anymore. But we shouldn't be surprised. It's always been this... way. We should instead be thankful for the platform for the Gospel that God gave them during this time. Be unashamed, church. Speak the truth of the Gospel in love and serve others as Jesus.”

Jonathan Powell, said, “Christ followers, get up, speak up, and share your faith. Our forefathers of the faith were martyred because of their strong faith in Christ. We are almost at this point again. Speak up. It's past time!”

Mike Huckabee said, “Let's stand up FOR free speech and FOR freedom of faith. If we don't, we will one day be told by the government what we can and can't say or believe. It starts in the marketplace. It ends when it gets enforced by the state. We're getting close. I stand for free speech.”

Lastly, remember the words of Jesus: “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you" (John 15:18-19)

Now, that right there is the facts, Jack!

Until next time…